On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 09:43:50AM -0400, Dave Cramer wrote:
> OK, so how do we fix this ?

I don't know what is Redhat's standard practice, but in other RPM based
distributions what is done is to distribute each library as its own
package, using the soname as part of the package name (Debian also do it
this way AFAIK).  So we would have a package called, say,


which would contain only libpq.so.3 (and associated files, if any).  The
benefit is that people who needs to upgrade to a later version of the
server can have both libpq4 and libpq3 installed, with libpq4 being used
for the new frontends and libpq3 is kept around for programs that are
linked to it, say PHP if you don't want to recompile it.

Now, the problem with 8.0.2/8.0.3 is that we forgot to bump the soname
before shipping 8.0, so we shipped a bogus libpq.so.3 which is really
libpq.so.4, with a wrong soname.  How to fix?  Maybe we should provide a
libpq3 package with the libraries coming from the REL_7_4_STABLE cvs

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]surnet.cl>)
"El sudor es la mejor cura para un pensamiento enfermo" (Bardia)

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