Josh Berkus wrote:

add a parameter to let user pass in the configuration parameters:
* autovacuum_command = "-s 100 -S 1 ..."

um, can we have these as separate GUCs and not lumped together as a string? i.e.:
autovacuum_frequency = 60  #seconds, 0 = disable
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 200
autovacuum_vacuum_multiple = 0.5
autovacuum_analyze_threshold = 100
autovacuum_analyze_multiple = 0.4

AV should be disabled by default. It should also automatically use the global vacuum_delay settings.

Agreed, disabled by default (at least for 8.1, perhaps a topic of conversation for 8.2+), yes it should obey the global vacuum_delay settings, and yes it should have it's own GUC's as you suggested (all of this was the case with the patch that I submitted for 8.0, which Alvarro is now working on).

But it would be very nice to have something _similar_ to FSM, say DSM
(dead space map), which is filled in when a tuple is marked as "dead for
all running backends", which could be used to implement a vacuum which
vacuums only those pages, which do actually contain removable tuples.

Speaking of FSM improvements, it would be **really** useful to have a pg_stats view that let you know how full the FSM was, overall. something like:
fsm_relations   fsm_relations_used      fsm_pages               fsm_pages_used
1000                    312                             200000          11579

This would allow for other schemes of vacuum automation.

Interesting, perhaps if FSM data is exported to the stats system autovacuum could use that. What might be best is both a view that showed overall FSM information, but then also export FSM information on a per table basis, perhaps as additional columns added to existing stats tables.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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