Andreas Pflug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I particularly dislike the name "default" for that database, because 
> we'd have to expect users to place their user data there regularly (as 
> in the public schema), which is just what should *not* happen.

Why not?

Any tools using this database for their own purposes should surely be
smart enough to put all their stuff in a tool-specific schema with
a name chosen to be unlikely to collide with user names.  So I see no
reason at all that users couldn't use the database too.

If your intent is to have a database reserved for tool use only, you
can certainly have an agreement among tool authors to create "pg_tools"
or some such if it's not there already.  But there are no potential uses
of such a database in the standard distribution, and so I see no reason
to load down the standard distribution by creating a database that may
go completely unused.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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