> > Because I wanted the standard platform behaviour of both. 
> For backend 
> > storage subsystem purposes, it's certainly necessary to emulate *ix 
> > behaviour of deleting a file in use, but for generic file 
> access IMHO 
> > the generic behaviour should be exposed.
> I'm going to repeat my firm opposition to this patch.  Under 
> the innocuous-sounding banner of "server instrumentation", 
> you are once again trying to put in generic file access 
> capabilities that will allow remote Postgres superusers full 
> access to the server filesystem.
> The potential security risks of this are obvious to anyone.  
> The only justification that has been offered is "this will 
> make remote administration easier".  Well, yeah, but it will 
> make remote breakins easier too.  Valuing ease of use over 
> security is the philosophy that got Microsoft into the mess 
> they're in now --- do we want to follow that precedent?

How is this different from the fact that the superuser can already use
COPY to accomplish the same thing? Sure, you have to go through a
temporary table but if you're superuser that is not exactly a problem.
You can read/write any file the service account has permissions on.


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