Bruno Wolff III wrote:

Here is the article:

XHTML 1.0 pages has no problems with displaying when sent as text/html and they are better served as text/html because stupid IE won't show it right when you set mime type to application/xhtml+xml. So if you consider this as problem then you have valid reason to not use XHTML otherwise there are no reasons to use HTML 4.01 instead XHTML.

And that article basically says it's bad to use XHTML because when you write non valid XHTML it does not show right - it's like when you write bad C code and it does not compile and you blame C for it. Author is wrong in some of its claims but this ML is not about web standards so I won't elaborate it here.

I might sound bit harsh but thats just because web pages is what I am doing and that article is plain nonsense.

Oh and btw uses XHTML 1.0 ...

Petr Jelinek (PJMODOS)

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