"Dann Corbit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/20/2005 04:24:26 PM:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:12 PM
> > To: Tom Lane
> > Cc: Chris Travers; Dann Corbit; Greg Stark; josh@agliodbs.com; pgsql-
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]; pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org; Marc G.
> Fournier;
> > Stephan Szabo; Terry Fielder; Tino Wildenhain
> > Subject: Re: [GENERAL] [HACKERS] 'a' == 'a '
> >
> >
> >
> > Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/20/2005 03:11:23 PM:
> > <snip>
> > > The hard part would be in figuring out how
> > > the output routine could know how many spaces to add back.
> >
> > The length is in the metadata for the column, or am I being dense?
> I guess that what Tom is saying is that it would be nice to store
> everything as VARCHAR.


I get that part, but he asked how to determine the proper output length
based on the PAD semantics, and I was saying to just pad whatever is stored
to the length available in the column metadata for those collations that
require padding.

> I guess that additional ambiguity arises if you add additional spaces to
> the end.  Many database systems solve this by trimming the characters
> from the end of the string upon storage and the returned string will not
> have any trailing blanks.  I am not arguing pro nor con this way of
> doing things.

For PAD correlations, Oracle stores the blanks.  Interbase does not.  Going
from Interbase to Oracle I switched from CHAR to VARCHAR2 because of this,
shot my self in the foot by not understanding PAD, whined about it, and you
know the rest.

As to how it is output, I know the language interface has an effect.
Embedded SQL in C will put the null terminator in different places for
different databases and different switch settings particular to each

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