Pollard, Mike schrieb:
Richard Huxton wrote:

Pollard, Mike wrote:

Firstly, if you just want a count, what's wrong with count(1) or

Because unless the column does not allow nulls, they will not return


same value.

Ah, but in the example given the column was being matched against a
value, so nulls were already excluded.


Details, details.  But there is a valid general question here, and
changing the semantics of the query will not address it.  When doing a
count(col), why convert col into a string just so you can determine if
it is null or not?  This isn't a problem on a small amount of data, but

Why convert? A null is always null no matter in which datatype.

it seems like a waste, especially if you are counting millions of
records.  Is there some way to convert this to have the caller convert
nulls to zero and non-nulls to 1, and then just pass an int?  So
logically the backend does:

Select count(case <col> when null then 0 else 1) from <table>

Which would be totally silly :-) no matter if its 0 or 1
it counts as 1. Do you mean sum() maybe?
Even then you dont need coalesce to convert null to 0
because sum() just ignores null.

And count just adds the number to the running tally.

Which number here?

Mike Pollard
SUPRA Server SQL Engineering and Support

Cincom Systems, Inc.

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