Hi Chris,

Hyperic would be happy to donate an exported version of our pg database for a fairly loaded environment. Just so I'm clear, there's no implication of making the schema itself open source or anything like that, right? We're perfectly cool with letting people look at it (they can do that simply by downloading our product), but I want to make sure that there's no other implications to making this available.

The schema is about 80 tables, and will be a good example of an OLTP database for PG 8.1. Hopefully it will be helpful to others. Let me know how we can make such an export available to you. The file's big.

Javier Soltero
Hyperic                  |  www.hyperic.net
o- 415 738 2566  |  c- 415 305 8733

On Nov 16, 2005, at 8:18 PM, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

Hi guys,

I've set up a new sample databases project:


If any of you have sample databases (schema + data, pg_dump format) that you are willing to share under the BSD license, please send 'em to me so I can host them on the project.

You might also find interesting the new icons that Niko of the pgAdmin project has donated to the work. Check the 'Icons' category here: http://pgfoundry.org/docman/?group_id=1000089 They are _awesome_.



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