On Feb 3, 2006, at 10:25, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

Sure, for most procedural languages you can't do much. But we do do
syntax checking already and checking that the necessary functions exist
can be considered part of that. It' s not terribly important though.

Dependancy tracking needs to be more than a "best effort." If you can't do it accurately and completely, then I don't think it's worth doing at all.

But I agree with you that syntax checking is probably sufficient. We don't need true dependancy tracking for functions.

The only failure case (where syntax checking won't help you) is deleting (or renaming, or modifying) a table that a function was using. If you were to run or re-define the function, you'd learn about the missing (or renamed, or modified) table, whereas the dependancy-tracking system would prevent you from making the changes to the referenced table in the first place.

Ok, here's the deal. A view is nothing more than a RULE. Creating a
view does this automatically

Technically, it's a table and a rule, both of which are created by the CREATE VIEW command. We were talking about syntactic sugar, and CREATE VIEW is syntactic sugar for doing a CREATE TABLE and a CREATE RULE. That was my comparison. I'm aware of how views work. Here's the deal: I want to beef up rules versus beefing up functions. Maybe that's not the way to go; I'm enjoying this discussion and your insights.

CREATE RULE blah AS ON SELECT TO myview DO INSTEAD <select statement>;

Now, say you wanted to add parameters to this, would you restrict it to
SELECT rules, what about UPDATE or DELETE rules?

I don't see a huge use case for anything but SELECT rules, but I think it could be extended to any rule type. Maybe the CREATE RULE syntax could be something like:


The other issue is that currently you can tell from looking at a
statement whether something is a function or a table (is it followed by
an open parenthesis?). With the above change you can't anymore, which
might mean you can't have functions and tables with the same names
because they'd be ambiguous.

Right. I said that my example syntax was deficient in this regard in the first message in this thread. And I solicited ideas for a better (unambiguous) syntax. I'm sure we would be able to come up with something. Maybe using square brackets instead of parentheses? Curly braces? "myview->(1, 2, 3)" notation? Since views are tables (when parsing the query, at least) we'd have to allow this syntax for any table reference, but throw an error (or silently discard the arguments) if the table didn't have a rule matching the argument types?

On the whole, I think allowing the server to inline SRFs would be a far
better way to go...

Maybe, but the highly-structured view definition syntax and everything that comes with it (dependancy tracking primarily) is so tasty. I think a little grammar hacking and a couple extra columns in pg_rewrite (nargs and argtypes) would get us most of the way there.

I would much rather put more stringent requirements on the programmer when defining his query (like a view), versus letting him submit any old string as a function (like a function). The database can do so much more when it's able to work with a better representation of the computation.

At the core, I want query rewriting with arguments. That sounds like a better fit for views/rules than functions, so that's why I keep coming back to it.


- Chris

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