Josh Berkus wrote:

As for the dependency issue, one man's bug is another man's feature.
I think the fact that we don't track the internal dependencies of
functions is not all bad.  We've certainly seen plenty of complaints
about how you can't easily change tables that a view is depending on
because the view dependencies block it...

I'd agree with this. I write about 150,000 lines of function code a year, and if I had to rebuild all of the cascading functions every time I change a table they way I have to with views, it would probably add 20% to my overall application development time.

BTW, the other thing that we're still TODOing on SRFs (as far as I know) is finding ways to change the row estimate for an SRF. It's still a flat 1000 in the code, which can cause a lot of bad query plans. I proposed a year ago that, as a first step, we allow the function owner to assign a static estimate variable to the function (i.e. "average rows returned = 5'). This doesn't solve the whole problem of SRF estimates but it would be a significant step forwards in being able to use them in queries.

This would only seem to work for trivial functions. Most functions that I write are themselves dependent on underlying tables, and without any idea how many rows are in the tables, and without any idea of the statistical distribution of those rows, I can't really say anything like "average rows returned = 5".

What I have wanted for some time is a function pairing system. For each set returning function F() I create, I would have the option of creating a statistics function S() which returns a single integer which represents the guess of how many rows will be returned. S() would be called by the planner, and the return value of S() would be used to decide the plan. S() would need access to the table statistics information. I imagine that the system would want to prevent S() from running queries, and only allow it to call certain defined table statistics functions and some internal math functions, thereby avoiding any infinite recursion in the planner. (If S() ran any queries, those queries would go yet again to the planner, and on down the infinite recursion you might go.)

Of course, some (possibly most) people could chose not to write an S() for their F(), and the default of 1000 rows would continue to be used. As such, this new extension to the system would be backwards compatible to functions which don't have an S() defined.


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