On Sat, Mar 04, 2006 at 12:08:52PM +0530, Md.Abdul Aziz wrote:
>       I am a presently working on a module which enhances postgre to 
> store audio files,while storing the aduido file in the databese i used 
> liod,now the problem is i am able to unlink but still the data is 
> present in the postgre database.can some one suggest me how to delete (not 
> unlink) large objects from the postgre databse.

"VACUUM FULL pg_largeobject" might be what you're looking for, but
if you're going to reload the data then an ordinary VACUUM (without
FULL) will free the space for re-use by PostgreSQL without shrinking
the file (unless the table has no live tuples, in which case the
file size will be zeroed).

Michael Fuhr

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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