Tom Lane wrote:
> Stefan Kaltenbrunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>CREATE INDEX on a 1,8B row table (5 int columns - index created on the 
>>first row about 300M distinct values):
>>before: 11h 51min
>>after: 3h 11min(!)
> Cool.  Does it seem to be I/O bound now?  Would you be willing to do it
> over with oprofile turned on?

while it now does a fair amount of IO during the whole operation, it is
not yet IObound afaiks.


samples  %        symbol name
103520432 47.9018  inlineApplySortFunction
33382738 15.4471  comparetup_index
25296438 11.7054  tuplesort_heap_siftup
10089122  4.6685  btint4cmp
8395676   3.8849  LogicalTapeRead
2873556   1.3297  tuplesort_heap_insert
2796545   1.2940  tuplesort_gettuple_common
2752345   1.2736  AllocSetFree
2233889   1.0337  IndexBuildHeapScan
2035265   0.9418  heapgettup
1571035   0.7270  LWLockAcquire
1498800   0.6935  readtup_index
1213587   0.5616  index_form_tuple
1097172   0.5077  AllocSetAlloc
1056964   0.4891  heap_fill_tuple
1041172   0.4818  btbuildCallback
990005    0.4581  LWLockRelease
897662    0.4154  slot_deform_tuple
858527    0.3973  LogicalTapeWrite
806849    0.3734  PageAddItem
764136    0.3536  LockBuffer


LOG:  begin index sort: unique = f, workMem = 2048000, randomAccess = f
LOG:  switching to external sort with 7315 tapes: CPU 4.07s/13.70u sec
elapsed 17.79 sec
LOG:  finished writing run 1 to tape 0: CPU 240.07s/3926.66u sec elapsed
4498.49 sec
LOG:  performsort starting: CPU 535.66s/8138.92u sec elapsed 9435.11 sec
LOG:  finished writing final run 2 to tape 1: CPU 538.54s/8242.23u sec
elapsed 9541.55 sec
LOG:  performsort done (except final merge): CPU 539.39s/8254.83u sec
elapsed 9559.75 sec
LOG:  external sort ended, 4398827 disk blocks used: CPU
768.38s/10027.39u sec elapsed 11884.63 sec


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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