Gurjeet Singh wrote:

>     I don't think Cristiano is asking for the schema_name in the
> EXPLAIN o/p. 
In fact I'm requesting for schema_name in EXPLAIN o/p. 

> The request is for the table ALIASes to be shown in the 
> o/p, which makes more sense than schema_name+table_name, since the
> same table can be used in the same query more than once.
SQL table aliases doesn't help locating the real place where the table is.
If I have a table named "test" at the schema "place" and I do:

"EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM place.test mytest"

I will get:

"Seq Scan on test mytest"

With this output I know that "mytest" is an alias to "test", and that's
great, much helpful than aliases only, but, where is "test"? Explain didn't
provide me will the location: I know the table name but I don't know where
it is.

I don't see too much harm if the output was:

"Seq Scan on place.test mytest"

And that's what I'm asking for.



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