Cristiano Duarte wrote:

> SQL table aliases doesn't help locating the real place where the table is.
> If I have a table named "test" at the schema "place" and I do:
> "EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM place.test mytest"
> I will get:
> "Seq Scan on test mytest"
> With this output I know that "mytest" is an alias to "test", and that's
> great, much helpful than aliases only, but, where is "test"?

Since you created the mytest alias, you sure know where it's pointing
to.  In fact I'd argue that this should instead display

Seq Scan on mytest

> I don't see too much harm if the output was:
> "Seq Scan on place.test mytest"

Not much harm there, but there will be plenty harm on other node types
where the output is already too wide.

Alvaro Herrera                      
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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