Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> Matthew T. OConnor said:
> > Bill Bartlett wrote:
> >> Can't -- the main production database is over at a CoLo site with
> >> access only available via SSH, and tightly-restricted SSH at that.
> >> Generally one of the developers will SSH over to the server, pull out
> >> whatever data is needed into a text file via psql or pg_dump, scp the
> >> file(s) back here and send them to the user.
> >
> > ODBC over an SSH tunnnel?
> I wish I could understand why people are so keen to make other people turn
> handsprings in order to avoid a feature which, as Bruce points out, is
> already on the TODO list, and which, by my 10 minute analysis, would involve
> almost trivial code impact and risk. If this involved major impact I might
> understand, but it really doesn't.
> I know many people work in a Postgres only world. I wish everybody did, and
> then we could just forget about things like CSV. They don't, so we can't.
> I think I have said this before, but I'll say it again. From time to time
> people thank me for things I have done for Postgres. The two things that
> stand out BY FAR on the list of these are CSV import/export and dollar
> quoting. This is a widely used feature.

I think the bottom line is that "ease of use" isn't as high enough on
the project's priority list as you (and others) think it should be.

I personally feel as you do that we should value "ease of use" more.

  Bruce Momjian

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

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