I don't know how it will exactly works in postgres but my expectations are:

Mark Woodward wrote:
Is there a difference in PostgreSQL performance between these two
different strategies:

if(!exec("update foo set bar='blahblah' where name = 'xx'"))
    exec("insert into foo(name, bar) values('xx','blahblah'");

The update code generates new tuple in the datafile and pointer has been changed in the indexfile to the new version of tuple. This action does not generate B-Tree structure changes. If update falls than insert command creates new tuple in the datafile and it adds new item into B-Tree. It should be generate B-Tree node split.

exec("delete from foo where name = 'xx'");
exec("insert into foo(name, bar) values('xx','blahblah'");

Both commands should generate B-Tree structure modification.

I expect that first variant is better, but It should depend on many others things - for examples triggers, other indexes ...

REPLACE/UPSERT command solves this problem, but It is still in the TODO list.


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