On Tuesday 11 July 2006 12:55, Josh Berkus wrote:
> Robert,
> > To be honest I don't know why people are against throwing the code on
> > pgfoundry with a hefty readme saying that the code is unmaintained and
> > what it's build status is on various versions
> ... because we don't want to litter pgFoundry with dead, broken projects
> which nobody uses and which confuse users and crowd the namespace.
> Quality > quantity.

Given the current number of projects that have no code / files / anything 
associated with them on pgfoundry/gborg right now, this argument rings a 
little hollow. 

> In a year nobody has spoken up for those specific projects.   Who's
> going to maintain them?  Who's going to use them?

People do get pointed at adddepends even today...  certainly no one will do 
anything with these projects if you nuke them, but I like giving people 
options...  your call though.  

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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