Bruce Momjian wrote:
I know about the same as the community members who pay attention to
postings.  What I do is to act on that information by contacting
developers and asking them to complete their work for feature freeze.
Many of my conversations are not appropriate for the public, which is
why it is done privately.

In fact, the feedback I have gotten from some community members that
have heard a little of the discussions I have had with developers is
that I am too forceful.  I know that doesn't match my often non-critical
or even lax handling of things, but I take my community responsibility
seriously, and if someone has stated they are working on an item, I
expect them to take that pledge seriously as well.

Is that a response from other developers, or from those you have pressed a bit? Perhaps the fact that the process is so very informal has led people to false expectations anyway. Maybe if we were quite up front about it people would not get upset. "If you say you will work on feature X, expect an occasional ping from someone asking about progress."

As far as people always asking for better tracking, they used to always
ask for a roadmap, and when we stated we couldn't because we have no
control over developers, they pointed to Mozilla, which had a roadmap at
the time (but we know what happened to them.)

This seems to me to be a case of the well known fallacy "post hoc ergo propter hoc". The fact that mozilla had some less than good results does not mean that everything they did was wrong.

In the case of recursive queries, I did more than might have even been
polite to try to get the developer to complete it.  I don't see how
changing our system is going to improve it.  If you want to change the
system, find a system that would have actually done better than what we
have in place.
Or try a new system, and I will keep doing what I do, and we can see
which system works best.

Excellent idea. We don't have to have a one size fits all set of procedures anyway - in fact I think it might be a mistake. Maybe we should select a few major features that people will work on for 8.3 and try a different model. We could then assess things around this time next cycle.



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