Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Oh, so the bug is tracked by being part of the email reply list.  That
> is a good idea.  Now, how does that get assigned for non-bugs, like
> patches?  Does any email sent to the lists that doesn't already have a
> bug number get one?  That might be really valuable.

*Any* email?  I hope not ... otherwise it's hard to see what you've got
that you don't get with a full-text search on a mailing list archive.

AFAICS the bottom line here is that we need some intelligent filtering.
In the short run I doubt that we can have that except through human
gruntwork to filter the mail traffic and update a tracker database.
Maybe after we see such a system in operation for awhile, we can start
to automate some obvious bits.  But if we start with the assumption that
it's going to be mostly automated on day zero, I predict a resounding

It strikes me that the CERT CVE database might be a useful analogy.
AFAIK there is little or no automated entry into that database ---
every change has a human reviewer in front.  Of course, they have some
darn good security reasons for wanting strong filters in front of their
database, but still it's a case worth thinking about.  They have the
same problem of pulling status information from a lot of not-very-
well-standardized input sources.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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