Bruce Momjian wrote:
Oh, so the bug is tracked by being part of the email reply list.  That
is a good idea.  Now, how does that get assigned for non-bugs, like
patches?  Does any email sent to the lists that doesn't already have a
bug number get one?  That might be really valuable.

It would just clog the bug tracker and make it unusable.

I spent months on a working party on these and similar issues a few years back, in a commercial setting. One of the big issues is when you start tracking something. Bugs are a pretty simple case. Features are much harder to handle. Someone comes up with an idea. There is a lot of discussion. a consensus is arrived at to go forward. I think that's the point at which we start tracking, but it's a judgement call. What is we decide not to go ahead? Do we capture that in the tracker (with a resolution of "rejected")?

One useful idea, not implemented by any of the OSS tracking / SCM systems that I know of, is to tie the two together, i.e every commit relates to a tracker item which captures the major discussions surrounding it. (If there isn't a bug, it prompts you to start one, which you can immediately mark as fixed if necessary). That way you can go backwards and forwards between the code and the discussion that led to it easily. Trust me, once you have worked with such a system you appreciate the benefits.

Anyway, let me reiterate: bz has at least the start of an email reply facility, and making that work if it doesn't already should not be beyond us.



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