Hi, Bruce,

Bruce Momjian wrote:

>>> I don't think that any of our SGML documentation is actually in UCS-4
>>> encoding.
>> The source files use nothing beyond plain ASCII (and should remain that
>> way, IMHO) so there isn't any need to inquire very far into exactly what
>> the toolchain thinks the "document encoding" is.  The issue at hand here
>> is what the *output* character set is, which is to say the "document
>> character set" if I have the jargon right.  That is the space over which
>> we are permitted to use &-entities.
> Just for reference, if we could support UTF8, I was hoping to add
> non-Latin names as alternates to the ASCII versions, so we could have
> Japanese and Russian-lettered names in the release notes.  I thought it
> would be a nice touch.

We don't need UTF8 encoding for this. It's also possible using ASCII
encoding + ቧ entities.

But we need the Charset to be Unicode.

Markus Schaber | Logical Tracking&Tracing International AG
Dipl. Inf.     | Software Development GIS

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