On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > > I have applied the recent tsearch2 patch and recompiled the 
> tsearch2 
> > > module but I am still experiencing the same backend crashes as I 
> > > previously described.
> > 
> > I didn't think your problem was the same as mine.
> > 
> > > #0  SN_create_env (S_size=0, I_size=2, B_size=1) at api.c:6
> > > 6           z->p = create_s();
> > > (gdb) bt
> > > #0  SN_create_env (S_size=0, I_size=2, B_size=1) at api.c:6
> > > #1  0x20000000026be870 in SN_create_env (S_size=40770504, I_size=
> > > 40509856,
> > > B_size=1034) at api.c:6
> > 
> > Is that the full backtrace?
> The gdb session above is quoted above start to finish as displayed on 
> screen. I'm not very famialiar with gdb so please say if I need to do 
> things differently.
> So i think it is the full backtrace - i certainly haven't edited 
> anything.

Trouble is it doesn't look like a decently deep stack. I would have expected to
see a lot more output from the backtrace.

Having said that the z in the z->p = create_s() line mentioned as the place of
the fault is the result of a calloc without checking for a null return from
calloc. Here's a[nother simple] patch to fix that.

It's not going to fix whatever is putting you into the situation that makes
calloc fail though. It'll just make the failure less disasterous.

Nigel J. Andrews
*** tsearch2/snowball/api.c     Mon Jul  7 15:29:46 2003
--- /tmp/postgresql-7.3.4/contrib/tsearch2/snowball/api.c       Wed Sep 17 22:21:55 
*** 2,8 ****
  #include "header.h"
  extern struct SN_env * SN_create_env(int S_size, int I_size, int B_size)
! {   struct SN_env * z = (struct SN_env *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct SN_env));
      z->p = create_s();
      if (S_size)
      {   z->S = (symbol * *) calloc(S_size, sizeof(symbol *));
--- 2,10 ----
  #include "header.h"
  extern struct SN_env * SN_create_env(int S_size, int I_size, int B_size)
! {
!     struct SN_env * z = (struct SN_env *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct SN_env));
!     if (!z) return z;
      z->p = create_s();
      if (S_size)
      {   z->S = (symbol * *) calloc(S_size, sizeof(symbol *));
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