Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
Here's a fix for the problem that on a busy system, mdsync never finishes. See the original problem description on hackers:

The solution is taken from ITAGAKI Takahiro's Load Distributed Checkpoint patch. At the beginning of mdsync, the pendingOpsTable is copied to a linked list, and that list is then processed until it's empty.

Here's an updated patch, the one I sent earlier is broken. I ignored the return value of list_delete_cell.

We could just review and apply ITAGAKI's patch as it is instead of this snippet of it, but because that can take some time I'd like to see this applied before that.

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com
Index: src/backend/storage/smgr/md.c
RCS file: /home/hlinnaka/pgcvsrepository/pgsql/src/backend/storage/smgr/md.c,v
retrieving revision 1.127
diff -c -r1.127 md.c
*** src/backend/storage/smgr/md.c	17 Jan 2007 16:25:01 -0000	1.127
--- src/backend/storage/smgr/md.c	5 Apr 2007 16:09:31 -0000
*** 863,989 ****
! 	bool		need_retry;
  	if (!pendingOpsTable)
  		elog(ERROR, "cannot sync without a pendingOpsTable");
! 	 * The fsync table could contain requests to fsync relations that have
! 	 * been deleted (unlinked) by the time we get to them.  Rather than
! 	 * just hoping an ENOENT (or EACCES on Windows) error can be ignored,
! 	 * what we will do is retry the whole process after absorbing fsync
! 	 * request messages again.  Since mdunlink() queues a "revoke" message
! 	 * before actually unlinking, the fsync request is guaranteed to be gone
! 	 * the second time if it really was this case.  DROP DATABASE likewise
! 	 * has to tell us to forget fsync requests before it starts deletions.
! 	do {
! 		HASH_SEQ_STATUS hstat;
! 		PendingOperationEntry *entry;
! 		int			absorb_counter;
! 		need_retry = false;
! 		 * If we are in the bgwriter, the sync had better include all fsync
! 		 * requests that were queued by backends before the checkpoint REDO
! 		 * point was determined. We go that a little better by accepting all
! 		 * requests queued up to the point where we start fsync'ing.
! 		absorb_counter = FSYNCS_PER_ABSORB;
! 		hash_seq_init(&hstat, pendingOpsTable);
! 		while ((entry = (PendingOperationEntry *) hash_seq_search(&hstat)) != NULL)
! 			/*
! 			 * If fsync is off then we don't have to bother opening the file
! 			 * at all.  (We delay checking until this point so that changing
! 			 * fsync on the fly behaves sensibly.)
! 			 */
! 			if (enableFsync)
! 			{
! 				SMgrRelation reln;
! 				MdfdVec    *seg;
! 				/*
! 				 * If in bgwriter, we want to absorb pending requests every so
! 				 * often to prevent overflow of the fsync request queue.  This
! 				 * could result in deleting the current entry out from under
! 				 * our hashtable scan, so the procedure is to fall out of the
! 				 * scan and start over from the top of the function.
! 				 */
! 				if (--absorb_counter <= 0)
! 				{
! 					need_retry = true;
! 					break;
! 				}
! 				/*
! 				 * Find or create an smgr hash entry for this relation. This
! 				 * may seem a bit unclean -- md calling smgr?  But it's really
! 				 * the best solution.  It ensures that the open file reference
! 				 * isn't permanently leaked if we get an error here. (You may
! 				 * say "but an unreferenced SMgrRelation is still a leak!" Not
! 				 * really, because the only case in which a checkpoint is done
! 				 * by a process that isn't about to shut down is in the
! 				 * bgwriter, and it will periodically do smgrcloseall(). This
! 				 * fact justifies our not closing the reln in the success path
! 				 * either, which is a good thing since in non-bgwriter cases
! 				 * we couldn't safely do that.)  Furthermore, in many cases
! 				 * the relation will have been dirtied through this same smgr
! 				 * relation, and so we can save a file open/close cycle.
! 				 */
! 				reln = smgropen(entry->tag.rnode);
! 				/*
! 				 * It is possible that the relation has been dropped or
! 				 * truncated since the fsync request was entered.  Therefore,
! 				 * allow ENOENT, but only if we didn't fail once already on
! 				 * this file.  This applies both during _mdfd_getseg() and
! 				 * during FileSync, since fd.c might have closed the file
! 				 * behind our back.
! 				 */
! 				seg = _mdfd_getseg(reln,
! 								   entry->tag.segno * ((BlockNumber) RELSEG_SIZE),
! 								   false, EXTENSION_RETURN_NULL);
! 				if (seg == NULL ||
! 					FileSync(seg->mdfd_vfd) < 0)
! 				{
! 					/*
! 					 * XXX is there any point in allowing more than one try?
! 					 * Don't see one at the moment, but easy to change the
! 					 * test here if so.
! 					 */
! 					if (!FILE_POSSIBLY_DELETED(errno) ||
! 						++(entry->failures) > 1)
! 						ereport(ERROR,
! 								(errcode_for_file_access(),
! 								 errmsg("could not fsync segment %u of relation %u/%u/%u: %m",
! 										entry->tag.segno,
! 										entry->tag.rnode.spcNode,
! 										entry->tag.rnode.dbNode,
! 										entry->tag.rnode.relNode)));
! 					else
! 						ereport(DEBUG1,
! 								(errcode_for_file_access(),
! 								 errmsg("could not fsync segment %u of relation %u/%u/%u, but retrying: %m",
! 										entry->tag.segno,
! 										entry->tag.rnode.spcNode,
! 										entry->tag.rnode.dbNode,
! 										entry->tag.rnode.relNode)));
! 					need_retry = true;
! 					continue;	/* don't delete the hashtable entry */
! 				}
! 			}
  			/* Okay, delete this entry */
  			if (hash_search(pendingOpsTable, &entry->tag,
  							HASH_REMOVE, NULL) == NULL)
  				elog(ERROR, "pendingOpsTable corrupted");
! 	} while (need_retry);
--- 863,1012 ----
! 	List		   *syncOps;
! 	ListCell	   *cell;
! 	PendingOperationEntry *entry;
  	if (!pendingOpsTable)
  		elog(ERROR, "cannot sync without a pendingOpsTable");
! 	 * If fsync=off, mdsync is a no-op. Just clear the pendingOpsTable.
! 	if(!enableFsync)
! 	{
! 		hash_seq_init(&hstat, pendingOpsTable);
! 		while ((entry = (PendingOperationEntry *) hash_seq_search(&hstat)) != NULL)
! 		{
! 			if (hash_search(pendingOpsTable, &entry->tag,
! 							HASH_REMOVE, NULL) == NULL)
! 				elog(ERROR, "pendingOpsTable corrupted");
! 		}
! 		return;
! 	}
! 	/*
! 	 * If we are in the bgwriter, the sync had better include all fsync
! 	 * requests that were queued by backends before the checkpoint REDO
! 	 * point was determined. We go that a little better by accepting all
! 	 * requests queued up to the point where we start fsync'ing.
! 	 */
! 	AbsorbFsyncRequests();
! 	/* Take a snapshot of pendingOpsTable into a list. We don't want to 
! 	 * scan through pendingOpsTable directly in the loop because we call
! 	 * AbsorbFsyncRequests inside it which modifies the table.
! 	 */
! 	syncOps = NIL;
! 	hash_seq_init(&hstat, pendingOpsTable);
! 	while ((entry = (PendingOperationEntry *) hash_seq_search(&hstat)) != NULL)
! 	{
! 		PendingOperationEntry *dup;
! 		/* Entries could be deleted in our scan, so copy them. */
! 		dup = (PendingOperationEntry *) palloc(sizeof(PendingOperationEntry));
! 		memcpy(dup, entry, sizeof(PendingOperationEntry));
! 		syncOps = lappend(syncOps, dup);
! 	}
! 	/* Process fsync requests until the list is empty */
! 	while((cell = list_head(syncOps)) != NULL)
! 	{
! 		SMgrRelation reln;
! 		MdfdVec    *seg;
! 		entry = lfirst(cell);
! 		 * If in bgwriter, we want to absorb pending requests every so
! 		 * often to prevent overflow of the fsync request queue.  
! 		/* Check that the entry is still in pendingOpsTable. It could've
! 		 * been deleted by an absorbed relation or database deletion event.
! 		 */
! 		entry = hash_search(pendingOpsTable, &entry->tag, HASH_FIND, NULL);
! 		if(entry == NULL)
! 			syncOps = list_delete_cell(syncOps, cell, NULL);
! 			continue;
! 		}
! 		/*
! 		 * Find or create an smgr hash entry for this relation. This
! 		 * may seem a bit unclean -- md calling smgr?  But it's really
! 		 * the best solution.  It ensures that the open file reference
! 		 * isn't permanently leaked if we get an error here. (You may
! 		 * say "but an unreferenced SMgrRelation is still a leak!" Not
! 		 * really, because the only case in which a checkpoint is done
! 		 * by a process that isn't about to shut down is in the
! 		 * bgwriter, and it will periodically do smgrcloseall(). This
! 		 * fact justifies our not closing the reln in the success path
! 		 * either, which is a good thing since in non-bgwriter cases
! 		 * we couldn't safely do that.)  Furthermore, in many cases
! 		 * the relation will have been dirtied through this same smgr
! 		 * relation, and so we can save a file open/close cycle.
! 		 */
! 		reln = smgropen(entry->tag.rnode);
! 		/*
! 		 * It is possible that the relation has been dropped or
! 		 * truncated since the fsync request was entered.  Therefore,
! 		 * allow ENOENT, but only if we didn't fail once already on
! 		 * this file.  This applies both during _mdfd_getseg() and
! 		 * during FileSync, since fd.c might have closed the file
! 		 * behind our back.
! 		 */
! 		seg = _mdfd_getseg(reln,
! 						   entry->tag.segno * ((BlockNumber) RELSEG_SIZE),
! 						   false, EXTENSION_RETURN_NULL);
! 		if (seg == NULL || FileSync(seg->mdfd_vfd) < 0)
! 		{
! 			/*
! 			 * The fsync table could contain requests to fsync relations that have
! 			 * been deleted (unlinked) by the time we get to them.  Rather than
! 			 * just hoping an ENOENT (or EACCES on Windows) error can be ignored,
! 			 * what we will do is retry after absorbing fsync
! 			 * request messages again.  Since mdunlink() queues a "revoke" message
! 			 * before actually unlinking, the fsync request is guaranteed to be gone
! 			 * the second time if it really was this case.  DROP DATABASE likewise
! 			 * has to tell us to forget fsync requests before it starts deletions.
! 			 *
! 			 * XXX is there any point in allowing more than one try?
! 			 * Don't see one at the moment, but easy to change the
! 			 * test here if so.
! 			 */
! 			if (!FILE_POSSIBLY_DELETED(errno) ||
! 				++(entry->failures) > 1)
! 				ereport(ERROR,
! 						(errcode_for_file_access(),
! 						 errmsg("could not fsync segment %u of relation %u/%u/%u: %m",
! 								entry->tag.segno,
! 								entry->tag.rnode.spcNode,
! 								entry->tag.rnode.dbNode,
! 								entry->tag.rnode.relNode)));
! 			else
! 				ereport(DEBUG1,
! 						(errcode_for_file_access(),
! 						 errmsg("could not fsync segment %u of relation %u/%u/%u, but retrying: %m",
! 								entry->tag.segno,
! 								entry->tag.rnode.spcNode,
! 								entry->tag.rnode.dbNode,
! 								entry->tag.rnode.relNode)));
+ 		} 
+ 		else 
+ 		{
  			/* Okay, delete this entry */
  			if (hash_search(pendingOpsTable, &entry->tag,
  							HASH_REMOVE, NULL) == NULL)
  				elog(ERROR, "pendingOpsTable corrupted");
+ 			syncOps = list_delete_cell(syncOps, cell, NULL);
! 	}
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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