Actually PostgreSQL is at par with  MySQL when the query is being Properly 
 like below

rt3=#  SELECT DISTINCT main.* FROM Groups main join  Principals  Principals_1 
using(id) join  ACL
ACL_2 on (ACL_2.PrincipalId =   WHERE ((ACL_2.RightName =
'OwnTicket')OR(ACL_2.RightName = 'SuperUser')) AND  ( (     ACL_2.PrincipalType = 
'Group' AND (  
main.Domain = 'SystemInternal' OR main.Domain = 'UserDefined' OR main.Domain = 
'ACLEquivalence') )
OR ( ( (main.Domain = 'RT::Queue-Role' AND main.Instance = 25)  OR ( main.Domain =
'RT::Ticket-Role' AND main.Instance = 6973)  )  AND main.Type = ACL_2.PrincipalType ) 
(ACL_2.ObjectType = 'RT::System'  OR (ACL_2.ObjectType = 'RT::Queue' AND 
ACL_2.ObjectId = 25) ) 
ORDER BY main.Name ASC ;
  id   |    name    |        description        |     domain     |   type    | instance
 40264 | sales      | Sales team in Delhi       | UserDefined    |           |
     2 | User 1     | ACL equiv. for user 1     | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 1
    11 | User 10    | ACL equiv. for user 10    | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 10
    13 | User 12    | ACL equiv. for user 12    | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 12
 31123 | User 31122 | ACL equiv. for user 31122 | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 31122
(5 rows)

( Total runtime: 1.699 ms )
Time: 6.455 ms which is 0.00 6455 Secs

In mysql:
mysql> SELECT DISTINCT main.* FROM Groups main join  Principals  Principals_1 
using(id) join  ACL
ACL_2 on (ACL_2.PrincipalId =   WHERE ((ACL_2.RightName =
'OwnTicket')OR(ACL_2.RightName = 'SuperUser')) AND  ( (     ACL_2.PrincipalType = 
'Group' AND (  
main.Domain = 'SystemInternal' OR main.Domain = 'UserDefined' OR main.Domain = 
'ACLEquivalence') )
OR ( ( (main.Domain = 'RT::Queue-Role' AND main.Instance = 25)  OR ( main.Domain =
'RT::Ticket-Role' AND main.Instance = 6973)  )  AND main.Type = ACL_2.PrincipalType ) 
(ACL_2.ObjectType = 'RT::System'  OR (ACL_2.ObjectType = 'RT::Queue' AND 
ACL_2.ObjectId = 25) ) 
ORDER BY main.Name ASC 
| id    | Name       | Description               | Domain         | Type      | 
Instance |
| 40208 | sales      | Sales team in Delhi       | UserDefined    |           |        
|     2 | User 1     | ACL equiv. for user 1     | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 1      
|    11 | User 10    | ACL equiv. for user 10    | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 10     
|    13 | User 12    | ACL equiv. for user 12    | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 12     
| 31067 | User 31066 | ACL equiv. for user 31066 | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 31066  
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


So its not just PostgreSQL that is suffering from the bad SQL but MySQL also.
But the question is my does PostgreSQL suffer so badly ??
I think not all developers write very nice SQLs.

Its really sad to see that a fine peice of work (RT) is performing sub-optimal
becoz of malformed SQLs.  [ specially on database of my choice ;-) ]


> Dear PostgreSQL gurus,
> I really not intend to start a flame war here but i am genuinely
> seeking help to retain PostgreSQL as my database for my RT
> system.
> Few months back i had posted regarding lowering of column names in SQL being passed 
> to RDBMS by
> DBIx::SearchBuilder , looks like it was controlled by a parameter "CASESENSITIVE" 
> changing it
> to 1 from 0 did help for postgresql to MySQL it probably does not matter.
> But This time its a different situation
> The query in Postgresql is taking  6 times more than MySQL
> The Query being given gets generated by DBIx::SearchBuilder.
> Although i am not sure but i feel modules like DBIx::SearchBuilder which are 
> supposed to
> provide RDBMS independent abstraction  are unfortunately getting test only with 
> MySQL or Oracle
> otherwise such huge difference in timing were not possible.
> ========
> mysql>  SELECT DISTINCT main.* FROM Groups main , Principals Principals_1, ACL ACL_2 
> ((ACL_2.RightName = 'OwnTicket')OR(ACL_2.RightName = 'SuperUser')) AND  ( (
> ACL_2.PrincipalId = AND ACL_2.PrincipalType = 'Group' AND (   
> main.Domain =
> 'SystemInternal' OR main.Domain = 'UserDefined' OR main.Domain = 'ACLEquivalence') 
> = OR ( ( (main.Domain = 'RT::Queue-Role' AND main.Instance = 25)  
> OR (
> main.Domain = 'RT::Ticket-Role' AND main.Instance = 6973)  )  AND main.Type =
> ACL_2.PrincipalType AND = ) AND (ACL_2.ObjectType = 
> 'RT::System'  OR
> (ACL_2.ObjectType = 'RT::Queue' AND ACL_2.ObjectId = 25) )  ORDER BY main.Name ASC
> ;+-------+------------+---------------------------+----------------+-----------+----------+
>  |
> id    | Name       | Description               | Domain         | Type      | 
> Instance |
> +-------+------------+---------------------------+----------------+-----------+----------+
>  |
> 40208 | sales      | Sales team in Delhi       | UserDefined    |           |        
>   | |
> 2 | User 1     | ACL equiv. for user 1     | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 1        | 
> |    11 |
> User 10    | ACL equiv. for user 10    | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 10       | |   
>  13 | User
> 12    | ACL equiv. for user 12    | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 12       | | 31067 
> | User
> 31066 | ACL equiv. for user 31066 | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 31066    |
> +-------+------------+---------------------------+----------------+-----------+----------+
>  5
> rows in set (0.94 sec)
> mysql>
> WHEREAS for PostgreSQL:
> rt3=# SELECT version();
> PostgreSQL 7.4beta5 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96
> rt3=# SELECT DISTINCT main.* FROM Groups main , Principals Principals_1, ACL ACL_2  
> ((ACL_2.RightName = 'OwnTicket')OR(ACL_2.RightName = 'SuperUser')) AND  ( (
> ACL_2.PrincipalId = AND ACL_2.PrincipalType = 'Group' AND (   
> main.Domain =
> 'SystemInternal' OR main.Domain = 'UserDefined' OR main.Domain = 'ACLEquivalence') 
> = OR ( ( (main.Domain = 'RT::Queue-Role' AND main.Instance = 25)  
> OR (
> main.Domain = 'RT::Ticket-Role' AND main.Instance = 6973)  )  AND main.Type =
> ACL_2.PrincipalType AND = ) AND (ACL_2.ObjectType = 
> 'RT::System'  OR
> (ACL_2.ObjectType = 'RT::Queue' AND ACL_2.ObjectId = 25) )  ORDER BY main.Name ASC
> ;+-------+------------+---------------------------+----------------+-----------+----------+
>  |
> id   |    name    |        description        |     domain     |   type    | 
> instance |
> +-------+------------+---------------------------+----------------+-----------+----------+
>  |
> 40264 | sales      | Sales team in Delhi       | UserDefined    |           |        
>   | |
> 2 | User 1     | ACL equiv. for user 1     | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 1        | 
> |    11 |
> User 10    | ACL equiv. for user 10    | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 10       | |   
>  13 | User
> 12    | ACL equiv. for user 12    | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 12       | | 31123 
> | User
> 31122 | ACL equiv. for user 31122 | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 31122    |
> +-------+------------+---------------------------+----------------+-----------+----------+
>  (5
> rows)
> Time: 7281.574 ms
> rt3=#
> Explain Analyze of Above Query is being given below:
> Unique  (cost=4744.06..4744.08 rows=1 width=81) (actual time=6179.789..6179.828 
> rows=5 loops=1)
>   ->  Sort  (cost=4744.06..4744.07 rows=1 width=81) (actual time=6179.785..6179.792 
> rows=6
>   loops=1)
>         Sort Key:,, main.description, main."domain", main."type",
>         main.instance ->  Nested Loop  (cost=1788.68..4744.05 rows=1 width=81) 
> (actual
>         time=584.004..6179.712 rows=6 loops=1)               Join Filter:
>         (((("inner".principaltype)::text = 'Group'::text) OR
>               (("outer"."domain")::text = 'RT::Ticket-Role'::text) OR 
> (("outer"."domain")::text
>               = 'RT::Queue-Role'::text)) AND ((("inner".principaltype)::text = 
> 'Group'::text)
>               OR (("outer".instance)::text = '6973'::text) OR 
> (("outer"."domain")::text =
>               'RT::Queue-Role'::text)) AND ((("inner".principaltype)::text = 
> 'Group'::text) OR
>               (("outer"."domain")::text = 'RT::Ticket-Role'::text) OR 
> (("outer".instance)::text
>               = '25'::text)) AND ((("inner".principaltype)::text = 'Group'::text) OR
>               (("outer".instance)::text = '6973'::text) OR (("outer".instance)::text 
> =
>               '25'::text)) AND ((("inner".principaltype)::text = 'Group'::text) OR
>               (("outer"."type")::text = ("inner".principaltype)::text)) AND
>               ((("outer"."domain")::text = 'SystemInternal'::text) OR 
> (("outer"."domain")::text
>               = 'UserDefined'::text) OR (("outer"."domain")::text = 
> 'ACLEquivalence'::text) OR
>               (("outer"."type")::text = ("inner".principaltype)::text)) AND
>               (("inner".principalid = "outer".id) OR (("outer"."domain")::text =
>               'RT::Ticket-Role'::text) OR (("outer"."domain")::text = 
> 'RT::Queue-Role'::text))
>               AND (("inner".principalid = "outer".id) OR (("outer".instance)::text =
>               '6973'::text) OR (("outer"."domain")::text = 'RT::Queue-Role'::text)) 
>               (("inner".principalid = "outer".id) OR (("outer"."domain")::text =
>               'RT::Ticket-Role'::text) OR (("outer".instance)::text = '25'::text)) 
>               (("inner".principalid = "outer".id) OR (("outer".instance)::text = 
> '6973'::text)
>               OR (("outer".instance)::text = '25'::text)) AND (("inner".principalid =
>               "outer".id) OR (("outer"."type")::text = 
> ("inner".principaltype)::text)) AND
>               (("outer".id = "outer".id) OR (("outer"."type")::text =
>               ("inner".principaltype)::text)) AND (("inner".principalid = 
> "outer".id) OR
>               ("outer".id = "outer".id)) AND ((("inner".principaltype)::text = 
> 'Group'::text)
>               OR ("outer".id = "outer".id)))               ->  Merge Join
>               (cost=1788.68..4735.71 rows=1 width=85) (actual time=583.804..1187.448 
> rows=20153
>               loops=1)                     Merge Cond: ("outer".id = "inner".id)
>                     Join Filter: ((("inner".id = "outer".id) OR 
> (("inner"."domain")::text =
>                     'RT::Ticket-Role'::text) OR (("inner"."domain")::text =
>                     'RT::Queue-Role'::text)) AND (("inner".id = "outer".id) OR
>                     (("inner".instance)::text = '6973'::text) OR 
> (("inner"."domain")::text =
>                     'RT::Queue-Role'::text)) AND (("inner".id = "outer".id) OR
>                     (("inner"."domain")::text = 'RT::Ticket-Role'::text) OR
>                     (("inner".instance)::text = '25'::text)) AND (("inner".id = 
> "outer".id) OR
>                     (("inner".instance)::text = '6973'::text) OR 
> (("inner".instance)::text =
>                     '25'::text)) AND ((("inner"."domain")::text = 
> 'SystemInternal'::text) OR
>                     (("inner"."domain")::text = 'UserDefined'::text) OR
>                     (("inner"."domain")::text = 'ACLEquivalence'::text) OR 
> ("inner".id =
>                     "outer".id)))                     ->  Index Scan using 
> principals_pkey on
>                     principals principals_1  (cost=0.00..2536.49 rows=82221 width=4) 
> (actual
>                     time=0.087..169.725 rows=64626 loops=1)                     ->  
> Sort
>                     (cost=1788.68..1797.99 rows=3726 width=81) (actual 
> time=583.624..625.604
>                     rows=20153 loops=1)                           Sort Key:
>                           ->  Index Scan using groups_domain, groups_domain, 
> groups_domain,
>                           groups_lower_instance, groups_domain on groups main
>                           (cost=0.00..1567.66 rows=3726 width=81) (actual 
> time=0.132..449.240
>                           rows=20153 loops=1)                                 Index 
> Cond:
>                           ((("domain")::text = 'SystemInternal'::text) OR
>                                 (("domain")::text = 'UserDefined'::text) OR 
> (("domain")::text =
>                                 'ACLEquivalence'::text) OR ((instance)::text = 
> '6973'::text) OR
>                                 (("domain")::text = 'RT::Queue-Role'::text))
>                                              Filter: (((("domain")::text =
>                                 'SystemInternal'::text) OR (("domain")::text =
>                                 'UserDefined'::text) OR (("domain")::text =
>                                 'ACLEquivalence'::text) OR (("domain")::text =
>                                 'RT::Ticket-Role'::text) OR (("domain")::text =
>                                 'RT::Queue-Role'::text)) AND ((("domain")::text =
>                                 'SystemInternal'::text) OR (("domain")::text =
>                                 'UserDefined'::text) OR (("domain")::text =
>                                 'ACLEquivalence'::text) OR (("domain")::text =
>                                 'RT::Ticket-Role'::text) OR ((instance)::text = 
> '25'::text))
>                                 AND ((("domain")::text = 'SystemInternal'::text) OR
>                                 (("domain")::text = 'UserDefined'::text) OR 
> (("domain")::text =
>                                 'ACLEquivalence'::text) OR ((instance)::text = 
> '6973'::text) OR
>                                 ((instance)::text = '25'::text)))               ->  
> Index Scan
>                                 using acl_objectid, acl_objecttype on acl acl_2
>                                 (cost=0.00..8.03
>               rows=3 width=13) (actual time=0.032..0.138 rows=6 loops=20153)
>                Index Cond: ((objectid = 25) OR ((objecttype)::text = 
> 'RT::System'::text))
>                     Filter: ((((rightname)::text = 'OwnTicket'::text) OR 
> ((rightname)::text =
>                     'SuperUser'::text)) AND (((objecttype)::text = 
> 'RT::Queue'::text) OR
>                     ((objecttype)::text = 'RT::System'::text))) Total runtime: 
> 6183.155 ms [ 6
>                     secs approx ]
> (18 rows)
> Sincerely Looking Forward to a Help
> Regds
> Mallah
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