Laurent Martelli wrote:

"Shridhar" == Shridhar Daithankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Shridhar> Laurent Martelli wrote:


  >> Should I understand that a join on incompatible types (such as
  >> integer and varchar) may lead to bad performances ?

  Shridhar> Conversely, you should enforce strict type compatibility
  Shridhar> in comparisons for getting any good plans..:-)

Ha ha, now I understand why a query of mine was so sluggish.

Is there a chance I could achieve the good perfs without having he
same types ? I've tried a CAST in the query, but it's even a little
worse than without it. However, using a view to cast integers into
varchar gives acceptable results (see at the end).

I'm using Postgresql 7.3.4.

I am stripping the analyze outputs and directly jumping to the end.

Can you try following?

1. Make all fields integer in all the table.
2. Try following query
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from lists join classes on where'16'::integer;

How does it affect the runtime?


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