scott.marlowe wrote:
Next drives I'll buy will certainly be 15k scsi drives.

Better to buy more 10k drives than fewer 15k drives. Other than slightly faster select times, the 15ks aren't really any faster.

Good to know. I'll remember that.

In peak times we can get up to 700-800 connections at the same time. There are quite some updates involved, without having exact numbers I'll think that we have about 70% selects and 30% updates/inserts.

Wow, a lot of writes then.

Yes, it certainly could also be only 15-20% updates/inserts, but this is also not negligible.

Sure, adaptec makes one, so does lsi megaraid. Dell resells both of these, the PERC3DI and the PERC3DC are adaptec, then lsi in that order, I believe. We run the lsi megaraid with 64 megs battery backed cache.

The LSI sounds good.

Intel also makes one, but I've heard nothing about it.

It could well be the ICP Vortex one, ICP was bought by Intel some time ago..

I haven't directly tested anything but the adaptec and the lsi megaraid. Here at work we've had massive issues trying to get the adaptec cards configured and installed on, while the megaraid was a snap. Installed RH, installed the dkms rpm, installed the dkms enabled megaraid driver and rebooted. Literally, that's all it took.

I didn't hear anything about dkms for debian, so I will be hand-patching as usual :)


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