On Tue, 11 May 2004, Bjoern Metzdorf wrote:

> scott.marlowe wrote:
> > Sure, adaptec makes one, so does lsi megaraid.  Dell resells both of 
> > these, the PERC3DI and the PERC3DC are adaptec, then lsi in that order, I 
> > believe.  We run the lsi megaraid with 64 megs battery backed cache.
> The LSI sounds good.
> > Intel also makes one, but I've heard nothing about it.
> It could well be the ICP Vortex one, ICP was bought by Intel some time ago..

Also, there are bigger, faster external RAID boxes as well, that make the 
internal cards seem puny.  They're nice because all you need in your main 
box is a good U320 controller to plug into the external RAID array.

That URL I mentioned earlier that had prices has some of the external 
boxes listed.  No price, not for sale on the web, get out the checkbook 
and write a blank check is my guess.  I.e. they're not cheap.

The other nice thing about the LSI cards is that you can install >1 and 
the act like one big RAID array.  i.e. install two cards with a 20 drive 
RAID0 then make a RAID1 across them, and if one or the other cards itself 
fails, you've still got 100% of your data sitting there.  Nice to know you 
can survive the complete failure of one half of your chain.

> > I haven't directly tested anything but the adaptec and the lsi megaraid.  
> > Here at work we've had massive issues trying to get the adaptec cards 
> > configured and installed on, while the megaraid was a snap.  Installed RH, 
> > installed the dkms rpm, installed the dkms enabled megaraid driver and 
> > rebooted.  Literally, that's all it took.
> I didn't hear anything about dkms for debian, so I will be hand-patching 
> as usual :)

Yeah, it seems to be an RPM kinda thing.  But, I'm thinking the 2.0 
drivers got included in the latest 2.6 kernels, so no biggie. I was 
looking around in google, and it definitely appears the 2.x and 1.x 
megaraid drivers were merged into "unified" driver in 2.6 kernel.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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