On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 22:02, Martin Foster wrote:
> Scott Marlowe wrote:
> > On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 17:24, Gaetano Mendola wrote:
> > 
> >>Martin Foster wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Gaetano Mendola wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Let start from your postgres configuration:
> >>>>
> >>>>shared_buffers = 8192    <==== This is really too small for your 
> >>>>configuration
> >>>>sort_mem = 2048
> >>>>
> >>>>wal_buffers = 128    <==== This is really too small for your 
> >>>>configuration
> >>>>
> >>>>effective_cache_size = 16000
> >>>>
> >>>>change this values in:
> >>>>
> >>>>shared_buffers = 50000
> >>>>sort_mem = 16084
> >>>>
> >>>>wal_buffers = 1500
> >>>>
> >>>>effective_cache_size = 32000
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>to bump up the shm usage you have to configure your OS in order to be
> >>>>allowed to use that ammount of SHM.
> >>>>
> >>>>This are the numbers that I feel good for your HW, the second step now is
> >>>>analyze your queries
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>These changes have yielded some visible improvements, with load averages 
> >>>rarely going over the anything noticeable.   However, I do have a 
> >>>question on the matter, why do these values seem to be far higher then 
> >>>what a frequently pointed to document would indicate as necessary?
> >>>
> >>>http://www.varlena.com/GeneralBits/Tidbits/perf.html
> >>>
> >>>I am simply curious, as this clearly shows that my understanding of 
> >>>PostgreSQL is clearly lacking when it comes to tweaking for the hardware.
> >>
> >>Unfortunately there is no a "wizard tuning" for postgres so each one of
> >>us have a own "school". The data I gave you are oversized to be sure
> >>to achieve improvements. Now you can start to decrease these values
> >>( starting from the wal_buffers ) in order to find the good compromise
> >>with your HW.
> > 
> > 
> > FYI, my school of tuning is to change one thing at a time some
> > reasonable percentage (shared_buffers from 1000 to 2000) and measure the
> > change under simulated load.  Make another change, test it, chart the
> > shape of the change line.  It should look something like this for most
> > folks:
> > 
> > shared_buffers | q/s (more is better)
> > 100 | 20
> > 200 | 45
> > 400 | 80
> > 1000 | 100
> > ... levels out here...
> > 8000 | 110
> > 10000 | 108
> > 20000 | 40
> > 30000 | 20
> > 
> > Note it going back down as we exceed our memory and start swapping
> > shared_buffers.  Where that happens on your machine is determined by
> > many things like your machine's memory, memory bandwidth, type of load,
> > etc... but it will happen on most machines and when it does, it often
> > happens at the worst times, under heavy parallel load.
> > 
> > Unless testing shows it's faster, 10000 or 25% of mem (whichever is
> > less) is usually a pretty good setting for shared_buffers.  Large data
> > sets may require more than 10000, but going over 25% on machines with
> > large memory is usually a mistake, especially servers that do anything
> > other than just PostgreSQL.
> > 
> > You're absolutely right about one thing, there's no automatic wizard for
> > tuning this stuff.
> > 
> Which rather points out the crux of the problem.  This is a live system, 
> meaning changes made need to be as informed as possible, and that 
> changing values for the sake of testing can lead to potential problems 
> in service.

But if you make those changes slowly, as I was showing, you should see
the small deleterious effects like I was showing long before they become
catastrophic.  To just jump shared_buffers to 50000 is not a good idea,
especially if the sweet spot is likely lower than that.  

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