Arjen van der Meijden wrote:

On 8-8-2004 16:29, Matt Clark wrote:

There are two well-worn and very mature techniques for dealing with the
issue of web apps using one DB connection per apache process, both of which
work extremely well and attack the issue at its source.

1) Use a front-end caching proxy like Squid as an accelerator. Static
content will be served by the accelerator 99% of the time. Additionally,
large pages can be served immediately to the accelerator by Apache, which
can then go on to serve another request without waiting for the end user's
dial-up connection to pull the data down. Massive speedup, fewer apache
processes needed.

Another version of this 1) is to run with a "content accelerator"; our "favourite" is to run Tux in front of Apache. It takes over the connection-handling stuff, has a very low memoryprofile (compared to Apache) and very little overhead. What it does, is to serve up all "simple" content (although you can have cgi/php/perl and other languages being processed by it, entirely disabling the need for apache in some cases) and forwards/proxies everything it doesn't understand to an Apache/other webserver running at the same machine (which runs on another port).

I think there are a few advantages over Squid; since it is partially done in kernel-space it can be slightly faster in serving up content, apart from its simplicity which will probably matter even more. You'll have no caching issues for pages that should not be cached or static files that change periodically (like every few seconds). Afaik Tux can handle more than 10 times as much ab-generated requests per second than a default-compiled Apache on the same machine.
And besides the speed-up, you can do any request you where able to do before, since Tux will simply forward it to Apache if it didn't understand it.

Anyway, apart from all that. Reducing the amount of apache-connections is nice, but not really the same as reducing the amount of pooled-connections using a db-pool... You may even be able to run with 1000 http-connections, 40 apache-processes and 10 db-connections. In case of the non-pooled setup, you'd still have 40 db-connections.

In a simple test I did, I did feel pgpool had quite some overhead though. So it should be well tested, to find out where the turnover-point is where it will be a gain instead of a loss...

Best regards,

Arjen van der Meijden

Other then images, there are very few static pages being loaded up by the user. Since they make up a very small portion of the traffic, it tends to be an optimization we can forgo for now.

I attempted to make use of pgpool. At the default 32 connections pre-forked the webserver almost immediately tapped out the pgpool base and content stopped being served because no new processes were being forked to make up for it.

So I raised it to a higher value (256) and it immediately segfaulted and dropped the core. So not sure exactly how to proceed, since I rather need the thing to fork additional servers as load hits and not the other way around.

Unless I had it configured oddly, but it seems work differently then an Apache server would to handle content.

        Martin Foster
        Creator/Designer Ethereal Realms

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