Hello gentlemen,

Although this is my first post on the list, I am a fairly experienced PostgreSQL programmer. I am writing an ERP application suite using PostgreSQL as the preferred DBMS. Let me state that the SQL DDL is automatically generated by a CASE tool from an ER model. The generated schema contains the appropriate primary key and foreign key constraints, as defined by the original ER model, as well as "reverse indexes" on foreign keys, allowing (in theory) rapid backward navigation of foreign keys in joins.

Let me show a sample join of two tables in the database schema. The information provided is quite extensive. I'm sorry for that, but I think it is better to provide the list with all the relevant information.

Package: postgresql-7.4
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Installed-Size: 7860
Maintainer: Martin Pitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: i386
Version: 1:7.4.9-2

                                           Table "public.articolo"
Column | Type | Modifiers
bigoid | bigint | not null default nextval('object_bigoid_seq'::text)
 metadata                | text                        |
 finalized               | timestamp without time zone |
 xdbs_created            | timestamp without time zone | default now()
 xdbs_modified           | timestamp without time zone |
 id_ente                 | text                        | not null
 barcode                 | text                        |
 tipo                    | text                        |
 id_produttore           | text                        | not null
 id_articolo             | text                        | not null
 venditore_id_ente       | text                        |
 id_prodotto             | text                        |
 aggregato_id_ente       | text                        |
 aggregato_id_produttore | text                        |
 aggregato_id_articolo   | text                        |
 descr                   | text                        |
 url                     | text                        |
 datasheet               | text                        |
 scheda_sicurezza        | text                        |
 peso                    | numeric                     |
 lunghezza               | numeric                     |
 larghezza               | numeric                     |
 altezza                 | numeric                     |
 volume                  | numeric                     |
 max_strati              | numeric                     |
 um                      | text                        |
    "articolo_pkey" primary key, btree (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo)
    "articolo_unique_barcode_index" unique, btree (barcode)
    "articolo_modified_index" btree (xdbs_modified)
Foreign-key constraints:
"$3" FOREIGN KEY (aggregato_id_ente, aggregato_id_produttore, aggregato_id_articolo) REFERENCES articolo(id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "$2" FOREIGN KEY (venditore_id_ente, id_prodotto) REFERENCES prodotto(venditore_id_ente, id_prodotto) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "$1" FOREIGN KEY (id_ente) REFERENCES ente(id_ente) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
articolo_delete_rule AS ON DELETE TO articolo DO INSERT INTO articolo_trash (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo, venditore_id_ente, id_prodotto, aggregato_id_ente, aggregato_id_produttore, aggregato_id_articolo, descr, url, datasheet, scheda_sicurezza, peso, lunghezza, larghezza, altezza, volume, max_strati, um, barcode, tipo, bigoid, metadata, finalized, xdbs_created, xdbs_modified) VALUES (old.id_ente, old.id_produttore, old.id_articolo, old.venditore_id_ente, old.id_prodotto, old.aggregato_id_ente, old.aggregato_id_produttore, old.aggregato_id_articolo, old.descr, old.url, old.datasheet, old.scheda_sicurezza, old.peso, old.lunghezza, old.larghezza, old.altezza, old.volume, old.max_strati, old.um, old.barcode, old.tipo, old.bigoid, old.metadata, old.finalized, old.xdbs_created, old.xdbs_modified) articolo_update_rule AS ON UPDATE TO articolo WHERE ((new.xdbs_modified)::timestamp with time zone <> now()) DO INSERT INTO articolo_trash (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo, venditore_id_ente, id_prodotto, aggregato_id_ente, aggregato_id_produttore, aggregato_id_articolo, descr, url, datasheet, scheda_sicurezza, peso, lunghezza, larghezza, altezza, volume, max_strati, um, barcode, tipo, bigoid, metadata, finalized, xdbs_created, xdbs_modified) VALUES (old.id_ente, old.id_produttore, old.id_articolo, old.venditore_id_ente, old.id_prodotto, old.aggregato_id_ente, old.aggregato_id_produttore, old.aggregato_id_articolo, old.descr, old.url, old.datasheet, old.scheda_sicurezza, old.peso, old.lunghezza, old.larghezza, old.altezza, old.volume, old.max_strati, old.um, old.barcode, old.tipo, old.bigoid, old.metadata, old.finalized, old.xdbs_created, old.xdbs_modified)
articolo_update_trigger BEFORE UPDATE ON articolo FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE xdbs_update_trigger()
Inherits: object,

                                     Table "public.ubicazione"
    Column     |            Type             |                      Modifiers
bigoid | bigint | not null default nextval('object_bigoid_seq'::text)
 metadata      | text                        |
 finalized     | timestamp without time zone |
 xdbs_created  | timestamp without time zone | default now()
 xdbs_modified | timestamp without time zone |
 id_ente       | text                        | not null
 barcode       | text                        |
 tipo          | text                        |
 id_magazzino  | text                        | not null
 id_settore    | text                        | not null
 id_area       | text                        | not null
 id_ubicazione | text                        | not null
 flavor        | text                        |
 peso_max      | numeric                     |
 lunghezza     | numeric                     |
 larghezza     | numeric                     |
 altezza       | numeric                     |
 volume_max    | numeric                     |
 inventario    | integer                     | default 0
 allarme       | text                        |
 manutenzione  | text                        |
 id_produttore | text                        |
 id_articolo   | text                        |
 quantita      | numeric                     |
 in_prelievo   | numeric                     |
 in_deposito   | numeric                     |
 lotto         | text                        |
 scadenza      | date                        |
"ubicazione_pkey" primary key, btree (id_ente, id_magazzino, id_settore, id_area, id_ubicazione)
    "ubicazione_id_ubicazione_key" unique, btree (id_ubicazione)
    "ubicazione_fkey_articolo" btree (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo)
    "ubicazione_modified_index" btree (xdbs_modified)
Foreign-key constraints:
"$5" FOREIGN KEY (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) REFERENCES articolo(id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "$4" FOREIGN KEY (manutenzione) REFERENCES manutenzione(manutenzione) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "$3" FOREIGN KEY (allarme) REFERENCES allarme(allarme) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "$2" FOREIGN KEY (flavor) REFERENCES flavor(flavor) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "$1" FOREIGN KEY (id_ente, id_magazzino, id_settore, id_area) REFERENCES area(id_ente, id_magazzino, id_settore, id_area) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
ubicazione_delete_rule AS ON DELETE TO ubicazione DO INSERT INTO ubicazione_trash (id_ente, id_magazzino, id_settore, id_area, id_ubicazione, flavor, peso_max, lunghezza, larghezza, altezza, volume_max, inventario, allarme, manutenzione, id_produttore, id_articolo, quantita, in_prelievo, in_deposito, lotto, scadenza, barcode, tipo, bigoid, metadata, finalized, xdbs_created, xdbs_modified) VALUES (old.id_ente, old.id_magazzino, old.id_settore, old.id_area, old.id_ubicazione, old.flavor, old.peso_max, old.lunghezza, old.larghezza, old.altezza, old.volume_max, old.inventario, old.allarme, old.manutenzione, old.id_produttore, old.id_articolo, old.quantita, old.in_prelievo, old.in_deposito, old.lotto, old.scadenza, old.barcode, old.tipo, old.bigoid, old.metadata, old.finalized, old.xdbs_created, old.xdbs_modified) ubicazione_update_rule AS ON UPDATE TO ubicazione WHERE ((new.xdbs_modified)::timestamp with time zone <> now()) DO INSERT INTO ubicazione_trash (id_ente, id_magazzino, id_settore, id_area, id_ubicazione, flavor, peso_max, lunghezza, larghezza, altezza, volume_max, inventario, allarme, manutenzione, id_produttore, id_articolo, quantita, in_prelievo, in_deposito, lotto, scadenza, barcode, tipo, bigoid, metadata, finalized, xdbs_created, xdbs_modified) VALUES (old.id_ente, old.id_magazzino, old.id_settore, old.id_area, old.id_ubicazione, old.flavor, old.peso_max, old.lunghezza, old.larghezza, old.altezza, old.volume_max, old.inventario, old.allarme, old.manutenzione, old.id_produttore, old.id_articolo, old.quantita, old.in_prelievo, old.in_deposito, old.lotto, old.scadenza, old.barcode, old.tipo, old.bigoid, old.metadata, old.finalized, old.xdbs_created, old.xdbs_modified)
ubicazione_update_trigger BEFORE UPDATE ON ubicazione FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE xdbs_update_trigger()
Inherits: object,


Here is the first join. This is planned correctly. Execution times are 

dmd-freerp-1-alex=# explain analyze SELECT * FROM articolo JOIN ubicazione USING (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) WHERE ubicazione.id_ente = 'dmd' AND allarme IS NULL AND manutenzione IS NULL AND ubicazione.xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00+01'; QUERY PLAN
Nested Loop (cost=0.00..8.73 rows=1 width=1146) (actual time=0.247..0.247 rows=0 loops=1) -> Index Scan using ubicazione_modified_index on ubicazione (cost=0.00..3.03 rows=1 width=536) (actual time=0.239..0.239 rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: (xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00'::timestamp without time zone) Filter: ((id_ente = 'dmd'::text) AND (allarme IS NULL) AND (manutenzione IS NULL)) -> Index Scan using articolo_pkey on articolo (cost=0.00..5.69 rows=1 width=653) (never executed) Index Cond: (('dmd'::text = articolo.id_ente) AND (articolo.id_produttore = "outer".id_produttore) AND (articolo.id_articolo = "outer".id_articolo))
 Total runtime: 0.556 ms
(7 rows)


Here's the second join on the same tables. This times a different set of indexes should be used to perform the join, but even in this case I would expect the planner to generate a nested loop of two index scans. Instead, this is what happens.

dmd-freerp-1-alex=# explain analyze SELECT * FROM articolo JOIN ubicazione USING (id_ente, id_produttore, id_articolo) WHERE ubicazione.id_ente = 'dmd' AND allarme IS NULL AND manutenzione IS NULL AND articolo.xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00+01'; QUERY PLAN
Nested Loop (cost=0.00..1017.15 rows=1 width=1146) (actual time=258.648..258.648 rows=0 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on ubicazione (cost=0.00..1011.45 rows=1 width=536) (actual time=0.065..51.617 rows=12036 loops=1) Filter: ((id_ente = 'dmd'::text) AND (allarme IS NULL) AND (manutenzione IS NULL)) -> Index Scan using articolo_pkey on articolo (cost=0.00..5.69 rows=1 width=653) (actual time=0.011..0.011 rows=0 loops=12036) Index Cond: (('dmd'::text = articolo.id_ente) AND (articolo.id_produttore = "outer".id_produttore) AND (articolo.id_articolo = "outer".id_articolo)) Filter: (xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00'::timestamp without time zone)
 Total runtime: 258.975 ms
(7 rows)

This time, a sequential scan on the rightmost table is used to perform the join. This is quite plainly a wrong choice, since the number of tuples in the articolo having xdbs_modified > '2006-01-08 18:25:00' is 0. I also tried increasing the amount of collected statistics to 1000 with "ALTER TABLE articolo ALTER COLUMN xdbs_modified SET STATISTICS 1000" and subsequently vacuum-analyzed the db, so as to give the planner as much information as possible to realize that articolo ought to be index-scanned with the articolo_modified_index B-tree index. The correct query plan is to perform a nested loop join with an index scan on articolo using xdbs_modified_index and a corresponding index scan on ubicazione using ubicazione_fkey_articolo.

I am currently resorting to selecting from the single tables and performing the join in the application code rather than in the DB. This is currently the only viable alternative for me, as a 500x speed-down simply cannot be tolerated.

What I do not understand is why the planner behaves so differently in the two cases. Any ideas? Would upgrading to more recent versions of postgresql make any difference?


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