Do you really need to create one *DB* per client - that is, is one
schema (in the same DB) per client out of the question? If not, I would
look into moving all reference tables (read-only data, constants and
such) into a common schema (with read permission granted to each
client/role), that way reducing the amount of objects needed to be
created/maintained and at the same time reducing the memory requirements
(lots of shared objects == lots of reused shared buffers). Set the
default_tablespace variable per client (login role) also so that the I/O
load can be balanced. A system based on Opterons such as the HP DL385 or
DL585 with two CPUs (or four if you go for the 585), 8-16Gb of RAM and a
decent storage system with 14-28 disks could be worth evaluating.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David
Sent: den 3 juli 2006 13:42
Subject: [PERFORM] Is postgresql ca do the job for software deployed in
ASP ou SaaS mode?

Hi all,

  I've been working on my personal project for 3.5 years now.  I
developed an ERP system in web/java.  Now the people I will work with
suggest to offers it in Saas mode.  Which means my customer will connect
to my website and found they ERP software and data there.  It's not the
deployment I planned initially so if you can just validate some
technicals points to be sure it's not crazy using Postgresl here and not
a big $$$ db to do the job.

Typically I will have 1db per client and around 150 tables per db.  So
since I hope I didn`t work all those year for nothing .. I expect to
have bunch of clients witch means the same amount of db since I have 1

Can I hope having several hundred of db on 1 db server?  Like 250 dbs =
250 client = 360 000 tables !!!
So is there a limit for the number of db in the db server ?(this spec is
not on the website) What about the performance? Can I expect to have the
same performance? 

Since I put everything on the web I do needs an High Availability
infrastructure.  I looked into SlonyI and Mammoth to replicate the db
but since SlonyI use triggers can I expect it to do the job?  Is Mammoth
is the only available solution?

Last question and not the least  I'm reading this performance list for
several years now and know suggestion about hardware to run postgresl is
discussed.  Since I wrote software there severals points about hardware
that I don`t understand.  Do you have any suggestion of platform to run
into my Saas configuration?  I do need the WISE one!  I'm pretty sure
that if I was a big company I would be able throw bunch of $$$$ but it's
not my case.  I'm pretty sure it exists out there some piece of Hardware
that would do the job perfectly with a fair price.

So far I did understand that Postgresql loves Opteron and I have looked
into the dl145 series of HP.  I did understand that Dell Hardware it`s
not reliable.  But it's still not clear what should be my requirement
for memory, disk, nb cpu, cpu power, etc.

I'm pretty sure it`s better to have more slower CPUs that having the
latest Opteron available on the market, or more slower servers that
having the fastest one...  am I right?  But agains what it`s the optimal

Thanks you to share your knowledge on those point.  I do consider using
Postgresql is the Smart choice in my project since the beginning but
before putting all the money (That I don`t have ..:-)) to buy some
hardware I just want to be sure I'm not crazy!

Thanks for your help I really appreciate it!!

Best Regards

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