Ravindran G - TLS, Chennai. wrote:
> Thanks Alvaro.
> We are using PostgreSQL 7.1 cygwin installed on Windows 2000.
> We understand that the maximum connections that can be set is 64 in
> Postgresql 7.1 version.  

This is because of Cygwin limitations.

> But our application is installed in 8 / 10 PC or more than that and it opens
> multiple connections and it exceeds 64. 
> Because of this the subsequent connections are failed to connect with DB
> from application.
> Please advise us on how to resolve this ?. 

There's no solution short of upgrading.

> Migrating to 8.1 may not be possible at this point of time due to some
> reasons. 

That's too bad :-(

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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