Hi Heikki,

Heikki Linnakangas wrote:

That's really exciting news!

I'm sure you spent a lot of time tweaking the settings, so let me ask you something topical:

How did you end up with the bgwriter settings you used? Did you experiment with different values? How much difference did it make?

Background writer is still a pain to get it right.. I say it is a necessary evil since you are trying to balance it with trying to level writes to the disks and lock contentions caused by the writer itself to the postgresql connections. Our typical problem will arise at the high number of users where all users are suddenly locked due to the bgwriter holding the locks.. Using the hotuser script (which uses pearl/Dtrace combination) we ran quite a bit of numbers trying to see which ones results in less overall time spent in PGLock* calls and yet gave good uniform writes to the disks. After reaching the published settings, everynow and then we would try playing with different values to see if it improves but generally seemed to degrade if changed.. (Of course your mileage will vary depending on config, workload, etc).

Still I believe the locking mechanism needs to be revisited at some point since that seems to be the one which will eventually limit the number of users in such a workload. (Specially if you dont hit the right settings for your workload)

Hopefully soon we will get access to bigger capacity servers and redo SMP tests on it with the background writer.


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