Tom Lane wrote:
Michael Glaesemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
It would be helpful if you included the actual queries you're using, as there are a number of variables:

Not to mention which PG version he's testing.

Its pg 8.1, for now, I'll be upgrading to a compile optimised 8.2 when I do the real test on the real server.

(its on kubuntu 6.10 running on a Thinkpad T60 with dual core 1.5,GB RAM and 100GB SATA, just in case anybody feels that is of any interrest.)

Since (I think) 8.1,
SELECT INTO knows that it can substitute one fsync for WAL-logging
the individual row inserts, since if there's a crash the new table
will disappear anyway.

I am not sure I understand you correctly here, are you saying that SELECT INTO in 8.1 disables WAL logging and uses just a single fsync at the end? in that case it means that I could disable WAL as well and achieve the same performance, does it not?



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