Robert Treat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Friday 25 April 2008 17:32, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Robert Treat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Oddly some dtrace profiling gave me this, which is pretty different, but
>>> certainly doesn't have concerns about TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId
>> .... which seems to pretty much destroy your thesis, no?

> How so? Before the patch we bog down for hours, spending 99% of our time in  
> TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId, after the patch everything performs well
> (really better than before) and we spend so little time in 
> TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId it barely shows up on the radar. 

Oh, you failed to state that the dtrace output was post-patch.  You need
to show *pre* patch dtrace output if you want us to think it relevant.

                        regards, tom lane

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