I am using the c-library interface and for these particular transactions
I preload PREPARE statements. Then as I get requests, I issue a BEGIN,
followed by at most 300 EXECUTES and then a COMMIT. That is the
general scenario. What value beyond 300 should I try?

Do you have PREPARE statements whose performance might change as the table grows ?

I mean, some selects, etc... in that case if you start with an empty table, after inserting say 100K rows you might want to just disconnect, reconnect and analyze to trigger replanning of those statements.

Also, how might COPY (which involves file I/O) improve the
above scenario?

It won't but if you see that COPY is very much faster than your INSERT based process it will give you a useful piece of information.

        I understand your problem is :

- Create table with indexes
- Insert batches of rows
- After a while it gets slow

        Try :

- Create table with indexes
- COPY huge batch of rows
- Compare time with above

Since COPY also updates the indexes just like your inserts do it will tell you if it's the indexes which slow you down or something else.

Also for insert heavy loads it's a good idea to put the xlog on a separate disk (to double your disk bandwidth) unless you have a monster disk setup.

During your INSERTs, do you also make some SELECTs ? Do you have triggers on the table ? Foreign keys ? Anything ? How much RAM you have ? And can you measure the size of the table+indexes when it gets slow ?

----- Original Message ----
From: James Mansion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: andrew klassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: pgsql-performance@postgresql.org
Sent: Wednesday, June 4, 2008 3:20:26 PM
Subject: Re: [PERFORM] insert/update tps slow with indices on table > 1M rows

andrew klassen wrote:
I'll try adding more threads to update the table as you suggest.
You could try materially increasing the update batch size too.  As an
exercise you could
see what the performance of COPY is by backing out the data and
reloading it from
a suitable file.

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