On Wed, 8 Oct 2008, Tom Lane wrote:
It appears that there are a few large directories that do not correspond
to any database. I wonder if these have been left behind accidentally by

Anything under $PGDATA/base that doesn't correspond to a live row in
pg_database is junk.

So I can delete it? Might be safer to stop the db server while I do that though.

The interesting question is how it got that way, and in particular how you seem to have managed to have repeated instances of it.

I gather that you're in the habit of using CREATE DATABASE to copy
large existing databases, so the most likely theory is that these are
leftovers from previous failed copy attempts.  Now CREATE DATABASE
does attempt to clean up if its copying fails, but there are various
ways to break that, for instance hitting control-C partway through the
cleanup phase.  So I'm wondering if maybe that's been done a few times.

Yes, we do copy large databases quite often, and drop them again. The database cluster was initialised back in March.

What PG version is this, anyway?

Postgres 8.3.0


Unfortunately, university regulations probably prohibit me from eating
small children in front of the lecture class.
                                       -- Computer Science Lecturer

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