On Wed, 8 Oct 2008, Tom Lane wrote:
The interesting question is how it got that way, and in particular how you seem to have managed to have repeated instances of it.

Speaking to some of my colleagues, sometimes the createdb process fails with a very specific error message. If we wait five seconds and try again, then it succeeds. So, maybe the duff directories are from those failures.

The error message is always something like this:

createdb: database creation failed: ERROR:  could not stat file 
"base/32285287/32687035": No such file or directory

Just before running createdb, we always have some quite heavy write traffic. Is it possible that the changes that we just wrote haven't been checkpointed properly yet, resulting in some of those files being missing from the template database, and therefore the createdb to fail?


Now, you would have thought these coefficients would be integers, given that
we're working out integer results. Using a fraction would seem really
stupid. Well, I'm quite willing to be stupid here - in fact, I'm going to
use complex numbers.                    -- Computer Science Lecturer

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