Scott Carey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Which brings this back around to the point I care the most about:
> I/O per second will diminish as the most common database performance limiting 
> factor in Postgres 8.4's lifetime, and become almost irrelevant in 8.5's.
> Becoming more CPU efficient will become very important, and for some, already 
> is.  The community needs to be proactive on this front.
> This turns a lot of old assumptions on their head, from the database down 
> through the OS and filesystem.  We're bound to run into many surprises due to 
> this major shift in something that has had its performance characteristics 
> taken for granted for decades.

Hmm ... I wonder whether this means that the current work on
parallelizing I/O (the posix_fadvise patch in particular) is a dead
end.  Because what that is basically going to do is expend more CPU
to improve I/O efficiency.  If you believe this thesis then that's
not the road we want to go down.

                        regards, tom lane

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