Hi Scott,

On 5/12/09, Scott Carey <sc...@richrelevance.com> wrote:
> Although nobody wants to support it, he should try the patch that Jignesh K.
> Shah (from Sun) proposed that makes ProcArrayLock lighter-weight.  If it
> makes 32 cores much faster, then we have a smoking gun.
> Although everyone here is talking about this as an 'unoptimal' solution, the
> fact is there is no evidence that a connection pooler will fix the
> scalability from 16 > 32 cores.
> Certainly a connection pooler will help most results, but it may not fix the
> scalability problem.
> A question for Dimitri:
> What is the scalability from 16 > 32 cores at the 'peak' load that occurs
> near 2x the CPU count?  Is it also poor?  If this is also poor, IMO the
> community here should not be complaining about this unopimal case -- a
> connection pooler at that stage does little and prepared statements will
> increase throughput but not likely alter scalability.

I'm attaching a small graph showing a TPS level on PG 8.4 depending on
number of cores (X-axis is a number of concurrent users, Y-axis is the
TPS number). As you may see TPS increase is near linear while moving
from 8 to 16 cores, while on 32cores even it's growing slightly
differently, what is unclear is why TPS level is staying limited to
11.000 TPS on 32cores. And it's pure read-only workload.

> If that result scales, then the short term answer is a connection pooler.
> In the tests that Jingesh ran -- making the ProcArrayLock faster helped the
> case where connections = 2x the CPU core count quite a bit.
> The thread about the CPU scalability is "Proposal of tunable fix for
> scalability of 8.4", originally posted by "Jignesh K. Shah"
> <j.k.s...@sun.com>, March 11 2009.
> It would be very useful to see results of this benchmark with:
> 1. A Connection Pooler

will not help, as each client is *not* disconnecting/reconnecting
during the test, as well PG is keeping well even 256 users. And TPS
limit is reached already on 64 users, don't think pooler will help

> 2. Jignesh's patch

I've already tested it and it did not help in my case because the real
problem is elsewhere.. (however, I did not test it yet with my latest
config params)

> 3. Prepared statements

yes, I'm preparing this test.

> #3 is important, because prepared statements are ideal for queries that
> perform well with low statistics_targets, and not ideal for those that
> require high statistics targets.  Realistically, an app won't have more than
> a couple dozen statement forms to prepare.  Setting the default statistics
> target to 5 is just a way to make some other query perform bad.

Agree, but as you may have a different statistic target *per* table it
should not be a problem. What is sure - all time spent on parse and
planner will be removed here, and the final time should be a pure


> On 5/12/09 10:53 AM, "Alvaro Herrera" <alvhe...@commandprompt.com> wrote:
>> Andres Freund escribió:
>>> Naturally it would still be nice to be good in this not optimal
>>> workload...
>> I find it hard to justify wasting our scarce development resources into
>> optimizing such a contrived workload.
>> --
>> Alvaro Herrera
>> http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
>> The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
>> --
>> Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-performance@postgresql.org)
>> To make changes to your subscription:
>> http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-performance

<<attachment: Hist_coresALL_RW0.ccrnone.pgsql-8.4beta1-buf4096-tps_avg-1.gif>>

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