On 1/4/2010 8:12 PM, Dmitri Girski wrote:
Hi everybody,

I am running a PostgreSQL server 8.3.5 with a pretty much standard config.

The web application server which runs Apache 1.3/PHP2.9  has an
intermittent problem:
pg_connect takes exactly 3.0 seconds. The usual connection time is 0.0045.
The long request happens at approximate rate 1:100.

I turned on logs on postgres server side, and there is
nothing suspicious for me there. When a connection request comes, it is
being served without any delay.

Could anyone point me to the direction in which I should investigate
this problem further?
Thank you in advance!

PS The hardware is: Dell SC1435/4Gb/2x2.0GHz/Gentoo Linux.
The database & web servers are in the 2 local subnets.


How do you have the connect string? With an IP or a name? Maybe its a DNS lookup timeout? You could switch to IP or drop the name in the hosts file and see if that makes a difference.


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