
I'm looking for a hint how array access performs in PostgreSQL in respect to 
performance. Normally I would expect access of a 1-dimensional Array at slot i 
(array[i]) to perform in constant time (random access).

Is this also true for postgres' arrays?

May concrete example is a 1-dimensional array d of length <= 600 (which will 
grow at a rate of 1 entry/day) stored in a table's column. I need to access 
this array two times per tuple, i.e. d[a], d[b]. Therefore I hope access is not 
linear. Is this correct?

Also I'm having some performance issues building this array. I'm doing this 
with a used-defined aggregate function, starting with an empty array and using 
array_append and some calculation for each new entry. I assume this involves 
some copying/memory allocation on each call, but I could not find the 
implementation of array_append in postgres-source/git. 

Is there an efficient way to append to an array? I could also start with a 
pre-initialized array of the required length, but this involves some complexity.

Thank you


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