Possibly.  What does

  psql > show work_mem;


Bob Lunney

 From: Alessandro Gagliardi <alessan...@path.com>
To: pgsql-performance@postgresql.org 
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [PERFORM] From Simple to Complex

Final update on this thread: since it is only necessary for me to get a rough 
ratio of the distribution (and not the absolute count), I refactored the query 
to include a subquery that samples from the moments table thus: SELECT 
moment_id, block_id FROM moments WHERE inserted BETWEEN 'yesterday' AND 
'today' ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 10000; I also took advantage of another table 
called blocks that happens to contain the moment_type as well (thus making it 
so I don't need to reference pg_class). The final query looks like:

SELECT moment_type, emotion, COUNT(feedback_id) 
  FROM (SELECT moment_id, block_id 
          FROM moments 
         WHERE inserted BETWEEN 'yesterday' AND 'today' 
         ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 10000) AS sample_moments
  JOIN blocks USING (block_id)
  JOIN emotions USING (moment_id)
 GROUP BY moment_type, emotion
 ORDER BY moment_type, emotion

The explain is at http://explain.depesz.com/s/lYh

Interestingly, increasing the limit does not seem to increase the runtime in a 
linear fashion. When I run it with a limit of 60000 I get a runtime of 14991 
ms. But if I run it with a limit of 70000 I get a runtime of 77744 ms. I assume 
that that's because I'm hitting a memory limit and paging out. Is that right?

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 3:43 PM, Alessandro Gagliardi <alessan...@path.com> 

I just got a pointer on presenting EXPLAIN ANALYZE in a more human friendly 
fashion (thanks, Agent M!): http://explain.depesz.com/s/A9S
>From this it looks like the bottleneck happens when Postgres does an Index 
>Scan using emotions_moment_id_idx on emotions before filtering on 
>moments.inserted so I thought I'd try filtering on emotions.inserted instead 
>but that only made it worse. At the same time, I noticed that "FROM pg_class, 
>moments WHERE moments.tableoid = pg_class.oid" tends to run a bit faster than 
>"FROM pg_class JOIN moments ON moments.tableoid = pg_class.oid". So I tried:
>SELECT relname, emotion, COUNT(feedback_id) 
>  FROM pg_class, moments, emotions
> WHERE moments.tableoid = pg_class.oid 
>   AND emotions.inserted > 'yesterday' 
>   AND moments.inserted BETWEEN 'yesterday' AND 'today' 
>   AND emotions.moment_id = moments.moment_id
> GROUP BY relname, emotion 
> ORDER BY relname, emotion;
>That was a bit faster, but still very slow. Here's the 
>EXPLAIN: http://explain.depesz.com/s/ZdF
>On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Alessandro Gagliardi <alessan...@path.com> 
>I changed the query a bit so the results would not change over the
>>course of the day to:
>>SELECT relname, emotion, COUNT(feedback_id) FROM pg_class, moments
>>JOIN emotions USING (moment_id)
>>WHERE moments.inserted BETWEEN 'yesterday' AND 'today' AND
>>moments.tableoid = pg_class.oid
>>GROUP BY relname, emotion ORDER BY relname, emotion;

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