On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Shaun Thomas <stho...@optionshouse.com>wrote:

> On 12/19/2013 11:00 AM, Dave Johansen wrote:
>  When I run pgbench in "SELECT only" after doing "-i -s 2000" I get what
>> appears to be good performance (60k-70k tps) but if I initialize a new
>> database with "-i -s 4000" the tps drops to 4k-7k. Is this order of
>> magnitude drop expected? Or is there something wrong with my hardware or
>> database configuration that is causing this issue?
> When you increase the size of the initialized pgbench tables, you increase
> the size on disk. My guess is that you doubled it so that the data no
> longer fits in memory. You can verify this yourself:
> SELECT pg_size_pretty(sum(pg_database_size(oid))::bigint)
>   from pg_database;
> Any amount of memory you have that is smaller than that, will affect
> select performance. I can guarantee you will not get 60k-70k tps from
> anything short of an array of SSD devices or a PCIe NVRAM solution. Your
> '-s 2000' test was probably running mostly from memory, while the '-s 4000'
> did not.
> What you're seeing is the speed your records are being supplied from disk,
> plus whatever cache effects are there when records are read before they are
> flushed in favor of more recent data.

Yep, that was exactly it and that definitely makes sense now that you point
it out.

Right now, we're running a RAID 1 for pg_clog, pg_log and pg_xlog and then
a RAID 1+0 with 12 disks for the data. Would there be any benefit to
running a separate RAID 1+0 with a tablespace for the indexes? Or is
reading the indexes and data a serial process where separating them like
that won't have any big benefit?


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