"Douglas Rafael da Silva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> Hi, Andre !
> Maybe yes, maybe not. I have 6 companies of the same group, little but
> they are like as, and they share the main database. But there are data
> that are specific of each one. The design of tables is the same for all
> them. So, on mysql I had on diferent databases. Thus, on the same query,
> I select the name of employee, the truck and invoice of the specific
> company. Two companies have server separated. How can I do to do
> distribute database server with postgres ? You have a suggestion ?

Hi Douglas,

ok, that's a good point to have different databases in one query.
Unfortunately there is no way to do this with postgresql. At least no way
with the standard distribution.
Maybe it's worth to try replication. You should be able to replicate the
tables of your main db between the others. But I never tried that. AFAIK, he
most advanced replication tooll is PostgreSQL Replicator
Maybe it's the better way to go back(?) to MySQL or have a look at


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