On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 02:20:57PM -0500, Mark Fenbers wrote:
> I found PGDATESTYLE that solves my problem, but ever since, I've been 
> looking for a comprehensive list of environmental variables that Pg 
> recognizes, but haven't been able to find such a list in any of the 
> books I looked in or the man pages.  Anyone know where I can find such a 
> list?

That's a client variable, and it works for libpq-based clients that
don't do something funny with them (none of them ought to, but one
can't guarantee others' programs).  So you're not modifying for other
clients, AFAIK, just for you.  (If that's what you want, well, good,
but it's important to know what it does.)

The list for 8.1 is in the docs:



Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A certain description of men are for getting out of debt, yet are
against all taxes for raising money to pay it off.
                --Alexander Hamilton

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