Bart Degryse wrote:
2. Using dblink / dbi-link to reconnect to the database, which means your logging will take place in its own transaction.
This I like more. Though I don't use either dblink nor dbi-link, I do use this kind of 'double' connections already for other purposes in which transactions were never an issue. So it never crossed my mind that I could use them for this too.
For the time being that's the way I'll walk. Thanks a lot!
Reading your suggestions I assume PostgreSQL lacks something like Oracle's

It might well be a useful feature (particularly for logging-style interactions as you have). I'm not sure it's particularly simple to do (other than by having a whole new backend as dblink will give you).

Shouldn't it be added, are there any plans in that direction? Returning a 
status code
is not always an option and using some dbi variant certainly isn't because of the need for perlu. So then you're stuck?!

Well, dblink is pure C iirc. I think the advantage with dbi-link is that you can connect to any type of database DBI can.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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