D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:

On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 12:16:04 -0300
Gerardo Herzig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Right. But today, that trigger do some other work, wich includes writing some files to disk, so there is my problem. Crap, i guess i will have to review the main logic.

I built a replication system that syncs up dozens of systems in a
multi-master environment spanning multiple continents in almost
real-time and it works flawlessly so don't give up hope.

And im trying with 3 virtual machines...this is embarrasing :)

 It is
doable.  I can't give you the code because it was written under
contract and it was based heavily on our specific business requirements
but I can give you a few pointers.

You have discovered the basic problem of trying to replicate in full
real time.  You'll probably have to give up on that.  Instead, focus on
making updates to the local database.  Create a replication table or
tables that you update with triggers.  Basically this needs to be a log
of every change to the database in a structured way.
Crap. That was my first approach! I later chose the inmediate file writing, trying to minimize the changes that would be lost in case of primary system crash. I guess i will come with it again.

Once you have the replication table(s) you can create external programs
that connect to the master and update the slave.  In the slave you can
track the last ID that completed.  Do the insert/update/delete in a
transaction so that you have a guarantee that your database is up to
date to a very specific point.  Note that you can have multiple slaves
in this scenario and, in fact, the slaves can have slaves using the
exact same scheme giving you a hierarchy.

If you need multi-master you just need to have another process to feed
your local changes up to the master.  This is not just a matter of
making the master a slave though.  If you do that you get into a
feedback loop.

Also, if you need multi-master, you have to think about your
sequencing.  If you need unique IDs on some tables you will have to
think about setting up ranges of sequences based on server or have a
central sequence server.  We used a combination of both as well as
specifying that certain tables could only be inserted to on one
system.  Of course, this system doesn't need to be the same as the top
of the hierarchy and, in fact, different tables can have different
generator systems.

What i want to do is something like:
If the master fails, it will be a peace of soft that would change the conf files (which indicate who's the master, slaves, and so on), so one of the slaves take the master's place. Since those are a common pc, when the real master come back to life, it has to be re-sync, and take his place as the master again. Im thinking in something as simple as posible (since im not a senior programmer), something like a ip address change could do the trick

Hope this gets you started.  There's still lots of gotchas on the way.
Oh yes, im specting so much fun!!!!
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!!

Mamooth replicator, Slone-I, feel the fear! :)

Thanks again, D'arcy!


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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