Even though n_gen is defined as a serial I can't let it handle the progressive key by its self since there is the need that some records should have the same value. That's why i use 3 primary keys.

A |  B |  C
1  |  1  |  1
2  |  1  |  3
2  |  2  |  3
2  |  3  |  3
3  |  1  |  2
3  |  2  |  2
4  |  1  |  1

The 3 keys A, B, C are defined as Serial and Primay Keys

Anyway the other suggestion, Blocking the second user from reading the db. So for the second user I could give A temp key something like 0 and then do a select before the submit and change the value.

But how is it possible to know if some other user is reading the db??


----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Huxton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Shavonne Marietta Wijesinghe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Jean-David Beyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <pgsql-sql@postgresql.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [SQL] Check before INSERT INTO

Shavonne Marietta Wijesinghe wrote:
Thanks for the replies.. But my problem still continues even after setting the isolation level.


If err <> 0 then 'If table not found
GetFieldValue = "1"
WriteToFile logfilepath, date & " " & time & " -- no table Numero progressivo: 1" & vbcrlf , True
if tipo_scheda = "SINGOLA" then
 GetFieldValue = oRs("N_GEN") + 1
 GetFieldValue = oRs("N_GEN")
end if
end if

Debugging my code(with logs) i see that still when 2 users login at the same time the N_GEN value is the same. (they enter the first if)

Of course it is.

In "My_Table" the last record has the value "5" so the next user that logs in shoul get the value "6". Sadly both the current users get the value "6".

Why sadly? What do you think should happen?

Have i set the isolation level correctly??

I think you are having problems with thinking through the concurrency of this problem.

Scenario 1 - will work
User1: Read value 5
User1: new value = 5 + 1
User1: Commit changes
User2: Read value 6
User2: new value = 6 + 1
User2: Commit changes

Scenario 2 - will not work
User1: Read value 5
User1: new value = 5 + 1
User2: Read value 5 (there is no "6" yet, it's not been committed)
User2: new value = 5 + 1
User1: Commit changes
User2: Commit changes - ERROR

There are only two alternatives in scenario #2 - block user 2 from reading a value until user1 commits/rolls back or give them a value that might be out of date. That's what the isolation level controls.

From your original email you have n_gen defined as a serial. That's basically an integer column with a default value from a sequence-generator. I'd just let the default value be accepted when you want a new number, that guarantees you a different value each time (although you can't guarantee you'll get 1,2,3,4,5...)

  Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd

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