
Thanks so much for your assistance.

This returns 512 rows.
select * from tmp_index_member tim
  where tim.ISIN  NOT IN 
  (select ISIN from security sec 
     where  ISIN is NOT NULL and
       securitytypekey IS NOT NULL and  securitytypekey NOT IN ( 5,27) )

Can someone explain why the NULL ISINs in Security is causing 
so much grief?  I do not get it.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andreas Joseph 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [SQL] simple SQL query

On Wednesday 29 October 2008 18:39:42 Kevin Duffy wrote:
> Hello:
> I have a couple of queries that are giving me headaches.
> They are actually very simple, but I do not understand why 
> I am not getting the expected results.  Maybe I need new glasses.
> Please be kind.
> The table definitions are below.
> The table TMP_INDEX_MEMBER contains 21057 rows.
> These rows contain 3167 distinct ISINs.  ISIN is a type of unique
> security identifier.
> This query 
> select * from security 
>    where securitytypekey NOT IN ( 5,27) and  ISIN IN 
>   (select ISIN from tmp_index_member )
> returns 3069 rows.  This tells me that there are 3069 ISINs
> in the SECURITY table. ISINs that I already know about.
> update tmp_index_member set securitykey = security.securitykey
>    from security 
>    where securitytypekey NOT IN (5,27)  and tmp_index_member.ISIN =
> security.ISIN
> results in Query returned successfully: 20545 rows affected, 2169 ms
> execution time.
> There are now 512 row in TMP_INDEX_MEMBER that have not been updated.
> OK now the confusion begins.
> I would expect the following query to return 512 rows.  It returns zero.
> select * from tmp_index_member tim
>   where tim.ISIN  NOT IN 
>   (select distinct sec.ISIN from security sec where securitytypekey NOT
> IN ( 5,27) )
> I want to add to SECURITY the securities that are new to me.  To do this
> I need the above 
> query to work.  

I bet you have NULLs in some of the rows so your "NOT IN" doesn't work. I 
suggest you rewrite to something like:
... WHERE (securitytypekey IS NOT NULL OR securitytypekey NOT IN (5,27))...

> Question:  does a UNIQUE constraint create an index? 


> Maybe your fresh eyes will see something obvious.
> Many thanks to taking a look at this issue.

Andreas Joseph Krogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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